Chapter 77: The Four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup

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It was amazing walking around the camping grounds and seeing all the different witches and wizards from all around the world

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It was amazing walking around the camping grounds and seeing all the different witches and wizards from all around the world. So far, we had walked past a group of toddlers flying on mini brooms that only flew a few feet off the ground, a very confused old wizard wearing a night gown who was arguing with a man from the ministry of magic saying he wasn't going to change in to a pair of pants because, and I quote, 'liked a breeze around his privates'*, to a group of witches sitting under a star-spangled banner that said 'The Salem Witches' Institute who proceeded to freak out when they saw me. Turns out that the Avengers are extremely popular with American witches and wizards as well as muggles.

Finally, we walked in to an area that was completely green from top to bottom. The tents were covered in four leaf clovers and there were moving posters of the quidditch players plastered all over them. There was only one place we could be...

"Reckon were in the Irish supporter's area," Cedric laughed as a group of kids dressed in the official team robes ran past us.

"Okay, how long until you ditch us for Maggie?" I said to Danny.

"I'm not gonna ditch you guys. Is that seriously what you think of me," Danny pouted.

"Yeah, pretty much," I laughed.

"You know what, you're probably right. But I promise I won't ditch you guys. Besides, you guys have the tickets," Danny said jokingly.

"Nice to know you think so much of us," Cedric said, shaking his head.

The further we walked in to the Irish supports area the more...crazy it got. There were people with their face painted in green and white, there were what looked like toy leprechauns dancing around the tents and a lot of the guys were downing Irish whisky making them more than a little tipsy.

"I thought everyone was meant to be acting like muggles," Cedric commented as we watched two drunken men send green and white sparks into the air with their wands.

"We're supposed to but it looks like no one is listening to the rules," I said, dodging the sparks that were going a little crazy.

"Hey, look! There's Maggie!" Danny said excitedly as he waved to his girlfriend.

Maggie was sitting in front one of the shamrock covered tents with who I guessed was her mum who I had never met because her Dad always picked her up from the train station. Her brother Seamus was also with her and one of his friends who name was Dean, well at least I thought it was Dean.

"Hi guys! When did you get here!" Maggie said, jumping up when she saw us and giving Danny a kiss on the cheek.

"Only a few hours ago," I told her, as her mum stood up and walked over to us.

"You must be Maggie's friends that she keeps talking about," Mrs. Finnigan said, as she looked over the three of us.

"They are Ma. This is Danny, Elsa and Cedric," Maggie said, introducing us to her.

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