Chapter 28: Dangerous to Dream

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Authors note: This song is from Frozen: The Broadway Musical. It called Dangerous to Dream which is sung by Elsa and the inspiration for the name of the chapter. I was lucky enough to see it in Sydney for my birthday in January and it was amazing! I would definitely recommend seeing it if you get the chance.

I was walking through the streets of Asgard but it was completely empty. I started to panic as I walked the streets that lead to the palace.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I called out but no one replied.

I started to run, desperately trying to find someone, anyone. But with every store or home I checked it became clear that something bad had happened.

When I started to hyperventilate, a golden glow appeared in front of me. I stood still and watched the strange golden glow, wondering what it was. It eventually started to move but when I didn't follow it, it stopped almost like it wanted me to follow it.

Figuring what the hell do I have to lose, I followed it. Slowly it led me in to the palace that was just as abandoned as the city was.

I followed it down into the lower levels that I had never been to before. It stopped in front of an ancient looking door as if it wanted me to open it. Taking hold of the old brass handle, I opened the door.

It led to what looked like an old worn-down set of rock stairs that continued down below the palace itself.

Following the golden glow once again, I headed down the uneven stairs curious about what was at the bottom.

After what felt like an eternity, I reached the bottom of the stairs and was amazed by what I saw.

"Yggdrasil," I whispered, running my hand along what the base of the world tree.

I walked around the base of the tree until I reached a lake that the main part of the trunk grew out of. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it and I didn't want anything to do with the lake. It was Urdarbrunnr, the Well of Wyrd or Fate in the English translation.

"No, don't make me look," I begged as the golden glow pushed me toward the Well.

I tried to fight whatever force was dragging me towards the well but it was no use. It pushed me to my knees so I could look directly in to the Well.

I wanted to close my eyes or look away knowing whatever the glow wanted to show me wasn't going to good. But it was no use, I was going to see what the Well wanted to show me no matter what I did.

I watch in horror as I saw an older Cedric make his way through a maze of some sort, then the scene faded to another. I didn't know where it was because all I could focus on was Cedric on the ground with all the light out of his grey eyes gone. He was dead.

 He was dead

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