Chapter 137: Together We Stand, Together We Fall

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When the crowd cleared, I told Cedric that I would meet him in the Great Hall later and followed Loki back to his rooms

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When the crowd cleared, I told Cedric that I would meet him in the Great Hall later and followed Loki back to his rooms. He had tried to make a sneaky escape, knowing that I saw him almost 'frost' over and knew that I was going to start worrying about him. I knew that he didn't want him to worry about him but I couldn't help it. Even though he wasn't my uncle by blood, he was my family and no one could ever tell me anything different.

When I got back to his rooms, I found Loki sitting in his private rooms with his head in his hands and in his Jotun form. The room was below freezing but it didn't faze me at all, one of the perks of having ice powers, I guess. As soon as I walked into the room, Loki looked up at me with red, glowing eyes and a look of shame on his face.

"It wasn't your fault, Loki," I said, walking in to the bellow freezing room like it was nothing.

"I almost gave away who I was, Elsa! The worst part of the whole situation is that I am not referring to the Asgardian façade that I wear every day!" Loki yelled as he jumped to his feet and started to pace the length of the room. "I almost showed the world the monster that I am! Even at my worst, when I attempted to control Midgard, people did not know the true horrors of what I truly am! If anyone was ever to find out who I truly am I would be forced to leave Midgard and never return. No one would want a monster to save them, even if it meant dying."

"Don't talk like that, Loki because it's just not true," I told him. "You have more than proved yourself, time and time again and if people don't see that, well, that's their problem. Not yours."

Loki stopped pacing and chuckled bitterly as he turned to look at me. Nothing good ever came from that chuckle, it was usually followed by a weeklong self-pity party and Mum having to drag him out of his room which he hadn't left for the entire week.

"Oh, Elsa. To be so young and naïve again," he laughed. "Once people see you as a monster there is no going turning back."

"Then why are you helping us look for Bucky? If you follow your theory, he's beyond saving," I shouted angrily at him.

"That is a completely different situation! Barnes was being controlled by an organisation that was set on world domination," Loki said, waving it off like it was nothing.

"That's exactly my point!" I told him. "YOU were being controlled and were forced to attack New York! There isn't any difference between what happened to you and what happened to Bucky."

"You are forgetting one important thing, dear Elsa," Loki said. "The people who were controlling Barnes were caught and were held accountable for their actions, it does not matter at the end of the day that he is a wanted fugitive because he has the proof that he wasn't acting under his own control! Myself on the other hand, we will never find the mad titan that tortured and controlled me. So, in the minds of the public, I will always the villain who cost thousands their lives. Finding out that I am Jotun will only go to strengthen their views."

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