Chapter 145: The Final Battle

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Stunning spells came at us from every angle and I knew that there was only one way of blocking them

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Stunning spells came at us from every angle and I knew that there was only one way of blocking them. Holding my hands out, I sent an icy blast out that created an ice dome that encircled all of us and blocked the incoming stunning spells. When I heard that the spells had stopped coming at us, I dropped the ice shield with a blast that knocked all of the death eaters on to their backs.

"RUN!" I screamed, leading the way for everyone to follow.

I knew that the ice blast wouldn't keep the death eaters down forever but that didn't matter at that point of time. What did matter was getting everyone to somewhere safe were we could figure out our next move. Of course, I was planning the next move and a backup plan as I ran. I couldn't help it; the super soldier part of my brain was running in over drive.

"Colloportus!" Harry yelled as he pointed his door that we had run through, causing the death eaters to crash into the closed door.

"It doesn't matter," one of death eaters yelled. "There are other ways in. We've got them! They're here!"

I looked around the room, analyzing all the different ways that the death eaters could get into the room and noted that there were three other doors. I also noticed that the room was full of tanks with green liquid that seemed to hold some sort of brains that had tentacles attached to them. It was just another thing that I added to my list of things that were in the Department of Mysteries that I would never be able to unsee.

As the others cast spells on the doors to prevent the death eaters coming in, I finished off the barricade with a wall of ice. The only problem was that I had to wait until they finished casting the spells to create the ice walls because there was no way that the spells would ever be able to get through the ice to work. That meant the process took longer than I would have liked and allowed the death eaters to get through on of the unbared doors.

Once again, the death eaters sent stunning spells in every direction while Bellatrix created a blazing fire that was clearly the creation of dark seidr, that prevented me from being able to use my ice powers to their full ability. But she didn't know the full extent of my powers, so I created doubles of myself that circled the whole room, each of them coping every move I made.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted sending the stunning spell at Bellatrix as each of my doubled did the same thing, hitting the other death eaters and giving my friends time to get back on to their feet. Unfortunately, it also gave Cassy and Ron the time to stumble over to the brains.

"Get Potter!" Bellatrix screamed as she got to her feet and Harry was distracted by his best friend who has become obsessed with the brains.

"Hey!" Ron called out as he staggered drunkenly over to the brains. "Hey, Harry, there are brains in here!"

"He's right, Captain Spangles," Cassy said as Ron giggled. "I wonder if we gave one to the Hulk if he would start acting more Bruce."

I knew that she was going to pick up one of the brains and even though I had no idea what the brains were, I knew that it wasn't a good idea to touch one of them. Doing the only thing I could to stop Cassy from gabbing hold of one of the brains, I launched myself across the room and crash tackled her into one of the desks.

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