Chapter 121: Classroom interruptions

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"So y'all not going to be telling me what you did all of Saturday?" Danny pestered Cedric and me over breakfast on Monday morning

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"So y'all not going to be telling me what you did all of Saturday?" Danny pestered Cedric and me over breakfast on Monday morning.

"We have already told you, Danny," Cedric laughed.

"We went to the old house in Manhattan to get away for the day and binge watched the original Star Wars trilogy," I told him.

"Then what was the big secret reveal in The Empire Strikes Back," Danny questioned Danny.

"Seriously Danny. That the easiest question to answer," Cedric laughed. "Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Anakin Skywalker."

"True, that was too easy," Danny admitted. "Okay then, what was the name of the officer that Vader killed in Empire Strikes Back?"

"Admiral Ozzel," Cedric said confidently, because we did actually watch the original trilogy and really enjoyed the movies. "And before you ask, he was replaced with Captain Piett who became an admiral and was the only person other than the Emperor and Luke, to see Darth Vader without his helmet on."

"You really did watch the movies and pay attention to them," Danny admitted.

"I told you so, Danny," I said, rolling my eyes.

Just as we were finishing breakfast, Cassy, the twins and Zane walked over to join us at the Hufflepuff table. In typical Stark manner, Cassy threw her bag down on the floor and sat down dramatically while she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

"Okay, Stark. Spill, what's wrong," Danny asked her.

"I just found out that Umbitch is going to be sitting in on not one but two of our classes today and you lucky Hufflepuff's are going to have her tomorrow in another one of your classes," Cassy complained.

"What classes is she going to be sitting in on?" Hamish asked her.

"Charms, ancient runes and herbology," Cassy told us.

"But we don't have to worry about Umbridge doing anything in any of the classes that Elsa's in," George said as he draped an arm around my shoulders.

"Because she is going to be too scared that Elsa is going to stab her with an icicle," Fred said with a wink.

"It's just like fourth year again when we could part the crowd with Harry because they thought he was the Heir of Slytherin," George fake sighed like he was remembering the 'good old days.'

"You guys are idiots and you better watch out because not only could I stab Umbridge with an icicle but I could put the pair of you in a weeks' worth of detention," I laughed.

"Oh, Elsa! You wound us!" Fred said dramatically, holding the back of his hand to his forehead like he was some kind of damsel in destress.

"You guys are idiots," Zane sighed."But come on, we should head up to charms. If Umbridge is going to be inclass, we don't want to be late."

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