Chapter 117: From bad to worse

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The first subject that we had on Friday morning was Care of Magical creatures which I was looking forward to even if Hagrid wasn't t there

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The first subject that we had on Friday morning was Care of Magical creatures which I was looking forward to even if Hagrid wasn't t there. Mostly because I hadn't had the chance to go and pick Freddie up yet because of all the homework we had been getting. So instead of eating breakfast in the great hall, I stopped by the kitchens to say hi to Dobby and grab a muffin that I could eat as I walked down to class early so that I could pick Freddie up.

I pulled my scarf on as I walked outside, not because I was actually cold but because the mornings were getting cooler and I didn't want to stand out for not feeling the cold. Early autumn was always just a beautiful time at Hogwarts with all the leaves starting to change colour and with the morning dew covering the grass and trees, creating an illusion that they were shimmering in the early morning sun. Most people probably thought I was crazy for finding it relaxing, but there was just something magical about how everything looked and I just couldn't put my finger on what it was even after seven years.

"Elsa! Wait for me, cousin," Danny called out as he rushed down the front stairs outside the castle to catch up with me. I smiled as I watched him run awkwardly as he tried to hold onto his heavy backpack and trying not to slip over on the dew-covered grass. No matter what happened, no matter what Asgardian powers he may have, he would always be my funny older cousin who I could depend on no matter what happened.

"Hurry up, Danny! I want to pick Freddie up before class starts," I told him as he skidded to a stop in front of where I was waiting for him at the start of the bridge that led to Hagrid's hut.

"Yeah, I know. Cedric told me and I thought I would try to catch up with you. It's been a while since we have spent some time together, you know just cousin to cousin," he said as he linked arms with like we used to do when we were kids.

"I know, it feels like it's been a life time since I've been able to spend time with my 'twin'," I joked.

"Man, I haven't heard anyone calls us twins in a while," Danny laughed as we made our way down to Hagrid's Hutt where class was always held.

"It really has," I agreed. "So much as happened over the past few months and I feel like I haven't even had time to breath sometimes."

"Are you ever going to fill me in on what happened on Asgard," Danny asked me.

"Oh, you know. The usual, Odin threatened Loki, I stuck up for Loki, there was a dinner party, Fandral got drunk at said dinner party which ended in him getting into a fight with Loki," I said casually.

"So, that's it?"

"We did discover that powers that Cedric got from me that night basically mean he's a super solider now."

"Wow, that's crazy. I always knew that you were more powerful than Odin wanted to admit to," Danny laughed.

"It wasn't so much being powerful but having a connection with Cedric. Like the connection Frigga had with Odin where she could bring him out of even the deepest Odin sleep and save him from death itself," I explained.

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