my one and only landmark

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Again you're gone,

Off on a different path than mine.

I'm left behind,

Wondering if I should follow.

             "Can we take a temporary pause? You know, with you going to acting camp and all that?"

             Ricky's actions clearly had consequences. He was constantly reminded of the aftermath. That night, he sat up straight in bed. Oh, Nini, I wish I'd told you sooner.

             He could hear the sound of his parents arguing even behind closed doors.

             Ricky couldn't stand it. He broke down and went out of the house. Away from his life that couldn't get any worse. He ran to the woods, the place where he went to let out his feelings that he balled up inside his stomach.

You had to go, and of course, it's always fine,

I probably could catch up with you tomorrow. (Right?)

              Should he come over to her house to apologize? No, she was probably bawling on her bed eating cold pizza right now. The last person she would want to see was him, and he felt like a total jerk.

             The next few days, Ricky found himself wandering through the woods at midnight. He didn't get any calls back from Nini or anything, which made sense since he was the one who wanted to take a break.

Is this what it feels like to be growing apart?

When did I become the one who's always chasing your heart?

They were growing apart. Ricky couldn't imagine his life without her. They'd been attached at the hip since they were five. He'd chased her heart for longer than he could imagine. He'd do anything just to see that beautiful smile blossom on her face.

She was the girl who had his heart on her sleeve. He'd spent restless nights pacing the woods, lamenting speeches.

Now I turn around and find,
I am lost in the woods.
North is south, right is left,
When you're gone!

Sometimes, he would get so worked up that he forgot his way out. Ricky often spent the night sleeping in a tree. This used to be his and Nini's secret place if they ever wanted to get away from reality for a while. He remembered when he'd taken her out on a date in the woods and picked her a bouquet of wildflowers, which she didn't know she was allergic to. She'd itched for days after that, but she didn't care one bit.

Everywhere, all he saw was darkness. He couldn't tell which way was north or south. Nini had always been prepared, and he could practically picture her perfect face teasingly scolding him right now.

"Richard! You need to be prepared before you go into the woods!"

I'm the one who sees you home
And now I'm lost in the woods.

After their time in the woods, Ricky would always walk Nini home. He missed her lips against his and her slightly wavy hair tickling his neck.

I don't know what path you're on,
I'm lost in the woods.

Nini would likely be having the time of her life at camp, playing the lead role in some production. Ricky hoped Nini didn't forget about him or come home with a new guy with intense muscular endurance.

Up till now, the next step was a question of how,

I never thought it was a question of whether.

Three words. Three silly little words. Three words that unintentionally made him break up with her. Three words that he constantly kicked himself for not being able to say to her.

He'd loved her before he even knew how to love. She was his sidekick, and he was hers. Everywhere Nini went, Ricky would likely be tagging along. Everywhere Ricky went, Nini would be following. Nini and Ricky, Ricky and Nini. That's the way it's always been. Until now.

He couldn't talk to Big Red, since he was too busy helping at the pizza place.

Who am I, if I'm not your guy?
Where am I, if we're not together?

Everyone had thought they'd grow up and get married. For a while, Ricky had let himself have those fantasies. He still did.

Without her, his life would be awful. He couldn't remember life before she came into the picture. She was his one and only. She was 'The One.'

Now I know you're my true north because I'm lost in the woods,
Up is down, the day is night, when you're not here.
Oh, you're my one and only landmark, so I'm lost in the woods,
Wondering if you still care.

He wondered if she still cared for him. Remembering wasn't the same as caring. He waited out those long four weeks in the woods, questioning and hoping that she still cared. If she came home with a new guy on her arm, he would let all of his fantasies of a future with Nini melt away until they were just past memories. It would be hard to do so.

No one noticed Ricky was gone. No one put up missing kid posters of the time he had a bad hair day. His parents didn't even care.

When his parents fought too much, Ricky would turn to Nini for comfort. She always had a way to make him feel better or come up with a smart solution. Once, they were stuck in a funhouse, and Ricky was scared of all the clown faces. He had a fear of clowns he just couldn't define. Nini quickly found a way out, and he couldn't thank her enough for that.

She was his landmark, the special place that stood out in his heart. She was his north, because wherever she went, he went along.

But I'll wait for a sign,
That I'm on your path,
Because you are mine.

He vowed that he would wait. Even if it took him a million years, he would someday find her and be with her. She was his destiny, no matter what anyone else said.

Sometimes, he'd dream and let his mind wander a little. Planning out the perfect surprise proposal. Putting a ring on her finger. Getting to call her Mrs. Nini Bowen.

Until then, I'm lost in the woods.

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