can i go where you go?

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Nini sighed as she walked back to her dorm room. She really wished that she could be back at East High right now, with Ricky. Today was the senior prom, and she'd dreamed about going with him for a long time.

She was preparing herself for yet another day of endless paperwork, when suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a white truck. She took a step closer and saw that it was a rusty Volkswagen.

Nini rubbed her eyes. "No, it can't be."

How was it him? It was probably just another student on campus with the same truck. After all, a lot of people did own Volkswagens.

Suddenly, a voice from behind startled her.

"Didn't count on me coming, did you?"

Nini whipped her head around and gasped. Her jaw dropped to the floor.

There was him, the love of her life.

Ricky Bowen.

He was wearing a navy blue suit and tie, and a bouquet of sunflowers were behind his back.

"I couldn't picture my senior prom without you."

He handed her the bouquet of sunflowers, wrapped in a sheet of her favorite comics from the newspaper.

"Wow, very Troy Bolton," Nini chuckled, shaking her head. "How did you—Salt Lake to Denver?"

"Seven hours on the road, eating nothin' but beef jerky," Ricky sighed. "But hey, the only thought that kept me going...was you. My prom is wherever you are."

Nini awwed and put a hand to her heart. But then, she remembered a not-so-pleasant detail. "What happened with Lily?"

"Hey, no one's going to get in the middle of us. We're Ricky and Nini, Nini and Ricky. That's the way it's always been, and that's the way it will always be."

Nini held out her hand. "Shall we?"

"Of course." Ricky winked and put his hands on her waist, while her arms were on his shoulder.

They gently swayed around with the breeze, Ricky whispering lyrics from Can I Have This Dance in Nini's ear from time to time.

Soon, when they'd finished dancing, the sky opened up and the rain started to pour. Nini giggled, while Ricky whispered in her ear:

"Was this your dream prom?"

"Even better," she replied before joining her lips to his.

Sweet short story for your Friday night.



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