you're my destiny (2)

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Plot: One year after the events of "You're My Destiny," Nini and Ricky are living happily with their not-so-small family. It's not always smooth sailing, but they manage to make it work...that is, until  Nini finds out she's pregnant again. A sequel to You're My Destiny, but can be read by itself.

Requested by the PJO Queen herself, PercabethForever31!! I don't think she specifically asked for a sequel, just a family oneshot.

If the home is where the heart is, then my heart's always here. It's been one year after Nini and I got married, and I couldn't be happier. We're all the Bowens now, living in this two-story house. I've taken on a job writing romance novels, and Nini's been working as a high school orchestra teacher. It's never been better.

This family isn't picture-perfect, but we make it work. Sure, there are the occasional fights over which place is the most haunted in America or who won Monopoly. Our life was far from normal, but it got even weirder that one chilly November night.

"Kids, I'm home!" I yelled like usual, setting my briefcase and keys down on the table.

"Richard, your wife's pregnant!" Em yelled.

"What?" I ask, walking into the bathroom where Nini and the kids are. "You're pregnant again?"

"Do we want another kid?" Nini asked.

I turned towards our currently existing kids. "What do you think?"

Emmy shrugged. "If you let me teach him how to hunt a ghost."

"I think it would be great," Nick said. "I mean, we already have enough siblings, but I'm pretty sure we should all be blaming Richard Bowen the IInd for knocking Mom up so much."

Lilli, Mickey, and Ricky III nodded. "Yeah, pretty much what Nick said. We're actually weirdly happy with getting another sibling."

"Well, I guess we're having a baby!" I exclaimed.

That night, we went out to have a celebratory dinner at the local Denny's with the other theater kids and their kids, so it was one cramped booth.

That Christmas, we all sat under the tree at Nini's moms' house and told them the news. We did find out we were having a baby girl last week, and they were ecstatic, of course, and so was my dad. He was the parent that stuck around, unlike my mom. "Do you think she's coming?" I asked although I knew the answer. It was like every Christmas before, no.

I could feel Dad's warm hand on my back. "I'm sorry, kid," he replied. "I haven't heard from her in more than two decades, so it's unlikely that she's coming."

We all sat in silence for a few moments, before I started to get up and head for the grand piano in the corner of the room.

"Well, I don't want to be the mood-killer. Who's ready for some classics?"

They all cheered, and soon all the theater kids had come in to join the sing-along. At that moment, surrounded by my friends and family, I felt like everything was going to be okay.

That spring, I didn't know that I was in for a surprise. While Nini and the kids were at her moms', I was finishing up filing some papers for the students' final theater grades when I heard a knock at the door. I unlocked it, and my eyes popped out from my sockets.

"Mom?" I asked incredulously.

"Ricky, I know this isn't the best time," she started to explain. "I just came to see you."

"No," I shook my head. "This can't be happening. You left me, and you were never there. You didn't even bother to pick up your phone and call to say I miss you, I love you, not one single thing. It's either one, being you forgot to pay the phone bill, or two, you were too busy hitting up Todd at a bar to think about your old family. You weren't there for my graduation, you weren't there for anyone's birth, and you didn't even come to the wedding. You've disappeared off the face of the earth for almost two decades, and you expect me to just welcome you with open arms?!"

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