wishing they were somewhere else

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Plot: Nini and Ricky struggle to handle long-distance dating as they are both pulled in two different directions.

Nini stared at the walls of her dorm at the YAC. They were filled with all of her stuff, but it wasn't home. It was missing something.

She stared at the picture of her and Ricky on her bedside table and grabbed the snow globe. She shook it, to remind her of SLC. However, she was still homesick.

Lately, she'd been feeling deprived. Sleep-deprived, family-deprived, friend-deprived, and most of all, Ricky-deprived.

"They pass me by, all of those great romances,
It's as if you're robbing me of my rightful chances
My picture clear, everything seemed so easy
And so I dealt you the blow
One of us had to go
Now it's different
I want you to know..."

Nini had held back from telling Ricky for a while, but she decided to rip off the bandaid and get it over with. Everyone had told her that this school would be a great opportunity, mostly Ricky. But she recognized that look in his eyes when she'd told him. He'd been saying one thing, but he meant another.

The day she packed, her heart broke at his expression. He looked on the verge of tears, and he kept waving to her long after her car had left.

The Conservatory was a commitment that she'd piled onto her schedule. She made sure to get all of her piles of homework done, which were WAY harder because this school had higher standards, and she got to live her dream. In the midst of all that, Nini had forgotten what, or who, truly mattered.

"One of us is crying
One of us is lying
In her lonely bed
Staring at the ceiling
Wishing she were somewhere else instead..."

She knew she appeared happy in all of her social posts, but that was a facade, the part she was playing. In truth, she was slowly breaking down and sobbing.

It was so hard. A new school came with additional pressures and challenges, and she wasn't ready to take it on.

Every night, she stared up at her ceiling, where she'd stuck all of the glow-in-the-dark constellations that Ricky had bought for her 13th birthday. She always wished that she'd be somewhere else, anywhere but here. Sometimes, she imagined him next to her, his curls tickling her ear and his arms around her.

Nini tried to keep her mind off of her homesickness, but it was no use. She missed everything about Salt Lake. It was like a part of her had died when she'd left.

Ricky groaned as he flopped himself onto his bed in his new room in Chicago. It was all of his stuff, except it didn't feel like home.

Ricky scrolled through his Instagram and found pictures of Nini at her new fancy arts school, having a blast. Of course, she was so busy that she didn't even bother to call him.

He was on pins and needles, day and night, just waiting for one simple text message, or just to hear her voice again. That was all he really needed.

He felt small against the large world. When he was with Nini, Ricky felt alive and larger than life. Like he could take on the world, and all the rocky roads that it threw at him.

"One of us lonely
One of us is only
Waiting for a call
Sorry for himself
Feeling stupid, feeling small
Wishing he had never left at all..."

All he wanted was to be back in Salt Lake instead of in the strange Windy City where he knew nothing and no one. If he has her by his side, he'd be golden, no matter where in the world he was.

They both longed and desperately pined for each other, but life happened.

"Wishing we had never left at all..."

I have too many oneshot ideas after watching both of the Mamma Mia movies back-to-back. I think I can really imagine Ricky and Nini singing this in the show...

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