cruel as the cities i lived in

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Plot: Ricky's mom is getting married to Todd, and he's expected to come to the wedding.

The last text from Mom freaked me out big time. Dad and I were flying to Chicago to attend To...Todd.

My brain was taking a long time to process things right now. It felt like it was short-circuiting.

Good news: she'd said I could bring a friend as my plus one. I asked Big Red, but he planned out a date with Ashlyn. I decided to ask Nini, as she was the only other person I really opened up to.

Other good news: it's on the school holiday weekend.

"Hey, Neens. You might be busy, and I respect that. Would you mind...flying to Chicago with me to attend my mom's wedding to Todd because it's a lot and I'm getting a new stepdad?"

"Sure, Ricky. I've got all weekend."

"If you say no, that's totally fine—wait, what?"

She grinned. "I said yes. I know you need some support right now, and I'll be here for you whenever you need a shoulder to lean on and stare off into space sadly."

"Thanks, Neens. You don't know how much this really means to me."

-----Time Travel to the Weekend-----

We boarded the plane to Chicago. I didn't know if I was staying at a hotel for a few days with Dad or going home immediately after reception.

Dad, Nini, and I booked a motel. We'd be staying there for the weekend.

"Ugh, did someone die in here?" I held my nose at the stench of the room.

"Nope, that's the toilet water," Dad replied.

Well, beggars can't complain.

I spread my sleeping bag on the floor, since the bed did not exist here.

Imagine being stuck in a room half the size of yours back home, with two people, and one of them is a sleep kicker.

"Mornin'," Nini groaned as she rolled over onto her side. "I love your dad, but he's a mad sleep kicker."

She looked awfully cute in the mornings.
"You get used to it," I shrugged and smiled.

I went inside the bathroom and took a whiff of the toothpaste. I can't use the adult kind, because it burns my tongue. I'm 17 and I still use the fruity kids' toothpaste from Colgate.

Aaand great, the TOOTHPASTE smells like morning breath.

I pulled out my own from my suitcase. Dang it, I'd almost used it up.

I knew that Nini and Dad forgot to pack theirs, so I cut it up into tiny parts.

Well, now I know why Dad got this room for seventeen dollars.

Finally, after being stuck in the cramped motel room for two days, it was the day I'd been dreading or looking forward to.

Mom's wedding.

We all got suited up, and now I know why Dad never wears ties.

This trip is very eye-opening.

I watched as Grandpa gave her away at the aisle and the band played "Here Comes the Bride."

The minister began to say the really long speech.

"Today, we are gathered to celebrate the union of Todd Reagan Butcher and Lynne Alison Williams."

Williams is her maiden name.

Soon, the vows went on. Something about sickness and health and till death do us part, but those were the only things that I'd caught.

Mom and Todd smiled and said their "I dos."

"If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold their peace."

Surprisingly, I didn't want to object. I just wanted Mom's happiness, even if she and Todd did ruin High School Musical for me.

"I pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Afterward, Mom went down to me as she served the cake. She gave Nini, Dad, and I large slices. "Thank you for being here," she said with a genuine smile on her face.

"Mm, Lynne, you have weally good taste in cakes," Nini said as she chewed on her cake.

"Actually, I picked it out," Todd smiled.

He shook our hands and slapped my dad and my back.

"You're good with this?" Mom asked with anxiousness in her tone. The wrinkle lines of forty-something years had begun to show on her forehead.

"All I really want is for your happiness," I said. I realized that it was true.

"And, fow the wecord, this cake is delicious," I exclaimed as I took a bite of the cake.

"It means so much to Lynne and I," Todd said. "Thank you."

"Don't you have a girl of your own to get back to?" Mom winked at me.

She then left to talk to her friends in her book club or something.

The dance music started, and I'm pretty sure that Nini picked it out. It was Tale as Old as Time.

"Shall we dance, sir?" she asked playfully, holding out her hand.

"Mais oui, Mademoiselle," I grinned as she pulled me onto the dance floor.

"This was actually really awesome," she started to say.

"The cake or the actual wedding?" I questioned.

"Eh, both," she grinned.

"You know, I'm always here for you," Nini said. "And I've gotta say, I was surprised. You were really mature and understanding to your mom and Todd."

"I guess, I've grown a lot this past year. Not just in a growth spurt, but I'm not little Richard Bowen anymore."

"Honestly, no one under 50 should be named Richard."

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "That's why I love you."

After dancing, Dad had news that would make my day even better.

"Well, we're going back to Salt Lake," he concluded as he looked up from his phone. "I can't stay at the hotel anymore. Go pack tonight, and we'll be off tomorrow."

This has been in my drafts for two months now, and it's just the appetizer before the main course.

Ha, pun intended.

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