fairytale proposal (1)

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Plot: Josh recruits the cast and his family to help him give Olivia a fairytale proposal she'll never forget.

Josh's POV

It was time.
Time to propose to Olivia.

Over the past six years, I know we weren't perfect. We had our share of fights, that infamous drama love triangle; and the tough journey to a relationship.

It's been tricky, but we've always managed to find our way back to each other.

Maybe it's the universe's way of telling us we were meant to be.

One thing I knew was that I couldn't do this alone.

Hannah's POV

It's finally time.

Josh is going to propose to Olivia! *squeals*

We all know they haven't been perfect. Yes, there was the messy drama/breakups, there was filming, and there were fights. But hey, they were meant to be, and there's no denying that. Eventually; they found their way back.

He recruited the entire family and the whole cast of HSM: The TV series to help him. Claire and I are in charge of helping him find a romantic setting, which will...not be easy.

Around LA, it's beautiful, but no really romantic places. We've all been there. Malibu? Check. Golden Gate Bridge? Check.

The movie theater? Good for a first date, but too dark for a proposal. Especially if they're watching a horror movie.

"Come on, Hannah, let's go," Claire called.

"Coming!" I said in a sing-songy tone.

We drove around for a while until I saw something up ahead.

"Stop!" Claire exclaimed.

We walked out of the car and gasped at the sight of what we saw.

"It's perfect."

Sofia's POV

Josh's sister, Ashley, Olivia's other best friend, Madison, and I are helping him find the perfect wedding ring.

We've driven through probably all the jewelry stores in town and still haven't found one that we all like. Josh brought us along since he knew we had Liv's best interests in mind.

We made our way back to his house, and Josh's sister Winter comes up with the perfect idea.

"What if you use my engagement ring? It used to be Mom's, and she let Pierre borrow it to propose to me. Before that, it was Grandma's, then Great-Grandma's, and Great-Aunt's, too."

Josh looked toward his family incredulously. "Winter? Pierre? Mom? Dad? Are you okay with this?"

Pierre clapped him on the back. "We've already got a wedding band, and our love. Besides, little man, you deserve this."

Josh hugged them all tightly.

"My little boy's getting married!" his mom exclaimed, dabbing away tears.

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