right where you left me (2)

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Josh's POV

      "How-how are you here?" she stuttered.

      I gave her my signature Ricky smirk. "Small town. Besides, we both like to eat here. Is that a crime?"

      "I wouldn't call Los Angeles a small town, really. 3.9 million people live here, so it would more be like a big city."

      "Still racking up the facts, huh?"

      "What's wrong with being smart?"

      This was one of those conversations. The ones that could get really awkward, like those promo interviews.

"So, how's life?" I asked.

"Good. Moved out, got an apartment. Dropped a bunch of new songs, made it onto the Billboard. How's yours, Joshua?"

That was a little too formal. "Please, call me Josh. Or Joshy. Or whatever floats your boat."

She crossed her arms. "You still didn't answer my question."

I scratched the back of my neck. "It's...okay."

"What about Sabrina?"

I scratched the back of my neck even harder, and I was sure there was a rash coming on. "Things...didn't work out. It turns out being a grownup is harder than I expected. When we moved into our apartment together, we both got real damn stressed about money and needs. One day, I found her cheating with another guy and then I moved out."

Olivia's face turned from the let's-get-down-to-business-look and became sympathetic. "I'm sorry," she whispered, laying her hand on top of mine.

"The truth is, I haven't been doing too well either. I know my songs have gotten millions of views and everything, but it's just a lot of pressure. The fans, they're great, except they keep wanting me to make more. Sure, I love songwriting, but lately it's all I've been doing."

      Olivia finished her meal and grabbed her purse. "Well, it was nice seeing ya, Joshua. Have a good life."


She turned around.

I didn't know what I was doing. It was like I was just saying everything that came into my mind all of a sudden. Words started pouring out. I didn't even care that a whole restaurant of people were looking at me right now.

    "Just listen! This isn't like those empty promises I made you way back then. You've been ignoring me for seven years, no matter how many voicemails I put into your inbox. I know I've gotta say it, and I will. I love you, Olivia. I seriously, seriously do. There's one thing I haven't told you about why Sabrina and I broke up, and that's because she said I should try again with you. Even if you hate me forever and we'll have to wait until we become floating ghosts to see each other again, then fine! But I just had to get this all off of my chest. I'll say it again, for proof, I love you, okay? Even if our age keeps us apart, I don't care! Age is just a number!"

    Wow, that speech was very Ricky Bowen-ish. Gave me deja vu.

    Olivia had tears in her eyes. She walked over and put a hand on my cheek.

    "You know that scene where we just kiss after saying this line?"


    "Sometimes it's easier to just kiss."

     She brought her lips to mine and I kissed back with just as much passion. The whole restaurant applauded, and some people were probably capturing that on camera.

     Oh well. C'est la vie.

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