now i'm in exile seeing you out

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Plot; Ricky and Nini's first Thanksgiving dinner together after their separation with Nini's new boyfriend.

Buckle up, I only have nine shitty chapters after this...and disclaimer, Zo and Teso...they're going to be terribly tragical.


"Happy Thanksgiving!" Mike Bowen called from the door of the Salazar-Roberts' house, his face covered with at least a dozen grocery bags he was struggling to carry. His son, Ricky, followed along into the house of their oldest family friends, both men blindly bumping into various furniture. 

"whoa, whoa," Nini Salazar-Roberts chuckled as she came over to help. "let me give you a hand with that -- or maybe, two hands. happy thanksgiving to you two, too!  we've got Lola's famous stew and a shit ton of dumplings. more than we can eat, free for takeout!"

she helped them lift the heavy bags into the kitchen, where Lola and Laurie, Nini's new boyfriend from LA were cooking and laughing over one of his jokes. 

"So then I said to the chef, I'm stuffed!" he cried as his paramour's family erupted in a burst of laughter. he then turned to nini, quickly kissing her forehead before wrapping his arms around her body. "Babe! Test out this new gravy that Lola helped me with, I want to make sure it's perfect for our guests. Ricky. Mr. Bowen."

Ricky nodded at the older boy as he took the dishes from the cupboards and polished them until they gleamed in the dim light. he felt like he was in exile right now, but he wouldn't get his knuckles bloody this time. instead of speaking, he found it was better to stay silent and watch them. 

dinner was like any other year; raucous and filled with laughter. of course, there were Laurie's admittedly unfunny jokes, but the whole clan seemed enamoured. Ricky could remember; it was barely a year ago that he had been the one holding Nini's hand under the table, telling all of the exact same puns.  they weren't the best, yet it was their thing.

"excuse me. I need some air." Ricky calmly excused himself from the table after he'd finished his food and went out into the cold night, climbing up the treehouse that had once been their place. he noticed that the place wasn't dusty, as if she still came up here. perhaps she went alone, maybe she invited him up. 

"Hey," a soft voice came from outside. "can I come in, or is this a private grieving space?"

"no, I'm thankful for the distraction," he replied, half lying as she entered and grabbed one of the colored stools. "so, what tears you away from your amazing dashing novel paramour down there to come up here with me?"

nini didn't seem at all fazed by the sarcastic comment. "I'll always be here for you, Ricky. you know that, even if we're not romantically connected. our parents have been friends forever, and I'm your rock, remember? since kindergarten."

she comfortingly squeezed his hand. "if you ever need to talk, I'm here. remember that."

he was finally able to meet her eyes, tears beginning to well up in his own. for a few moments, it was silent, the only sound being the laughter from the house. 

"Thanks, Nini. for the dinner, for everything. see you around." Ricky quickly blinked back the tears and gave her a melancholy smile, climbing down from the treehouse that had been such a large part of their lives.

nini watched him go, her heart filled with a sinking feeling of dread. 

she'd seen this film before, millions of times. and never; not once, did she like the ending. 



excuse the horrifying writing, i'm half drunk and i ran out of ideas. let me know your thoughts!

keep reading. keep writing. keep dreaming. 


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