the happiest place on earth

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Plot: Josh and Olivia have never seen each other as anything more than best friends, but Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth, where the impossible is possible. They secretly fall in love, but must keep it under wraps or risk the press finding out and getting fired. Very light M. I'm not the best at writing that kind of stuff.


The cast of HSMTMTS and I were on a holiday trip to Disneyland. I am part of the cast, so I guess it's just a plural noun. I bounced in my airplane seat excitedly and clutched Sofia's hand. "I can't wait!"

"This flight is descending in two minutes," the pilot's voice came over the speaker. "Please fasten your seatbelts."

"I can't believe this is happening," Larry chuckled as he pinched his arm for the tenth time. Red marks were beginning to show up. "Larry, stop pinching your arm," Tim chuckled. "We don't want to have to send you to the ER right before you visit the happiest place on Earth."

Finally, the plane descended, and everyone scrambled to grab their luggage and get off to see the happiest place on earth, where the impossible is possible. "Wow, Disneyland," my best guy friend, Josh chuckled. "I haven't been here ever since I was eight, so this is going to be a trip down memory lane."

We grinned and hooked arms as we stepped out into the sunny California winter. It's warm all year round, but not as hot as the south or as cold as up north.

Ahead of us, Sofia had already started doing cartwheels and flips. "I don't want you to bust any of your bones or your head!" Tim yelled. "I already promised your parents you'd return home in one piece!"

When we got to the Disneyland hotel, I marveled at the sights. Chandeliers hung from every corner, and snacks adorned every table. I hungrily eyed a bowl of mini Butterfingers and sneaked some into my pocket. It wasn't called stealing; it said TAKE ONE. Maybe it would be considered stealing for the other three? I'm pretty sure no one will notice.

"Is this place haunted?" Matt asked eagerly as he looked around.

"Sadly, no," Dara gave him her death stare. "Would you want to kill me?"

"Fair point. It's not exactly a historic building, so I doubt there are any ghosts here," Larry said.

Later, a woman about my mom's age with a bun in her hair led us to our respective hotel rooms. I flopped myself down onto the feather bed and sighed. "I could get used to this."

I could hear a familiar voice next to me. "You're telling me, I never want to leave."

"Shouldn't you be in your own room, you giant manchild?" I teased, whacking Josh with one of the pillows.

"I wanted to watch a movie with my favorite person," he grinned, giving me that puppy dog smile that I can never resist.

"Well...who's picking?"

"I call the snacks!" he yelled.

" I pick the movie. How about-"

"Don't say Jennifer's Body-"

"Jennifer's Body!"

"Ugh, I hate horror movies, but Jeedy is the ultimate ship," he groaned. "Fine."

Later, we were both curled up on the bed, chewing on granola bars that Josh's mom made. Occasionally throughout the movie, he'd peck my forehead. It's pretty much a platonic thing that we do all the time. We're just best friends and costars who coincidentally play lovers on a show, but that's beside the point. After the movie ended, he'd already fallen asleep. I bit back a smile. Typical Josh.

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