she don't even know you

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Nini laments to herself about seeing her best friend fall for someone else.

I'm not like her you see,
I keep my boundaries

"Nini, meet my new girlfriend Gina."

Nini pasted on a smile. "Hi, I'm Nini, Ricky's best friend."

"Hi!" Gina gushed, shaking Nini's hand vigorously. "I've heard so much about you."

Nini's smile still stayed pasted on her face as she returned the handshake.

But I'm fine in my jeans and this old tee
Facing reality when I'm with you three
That you like her
And not me
But it's hard to keep my mouth shut
When I know so much about you

Nini was the only single one in her friend group.

EJ had Lily, Ashlyn had Red, Seb had Carlos, Kourtney had Riley, and now Ricky had Gina.

Nini had always liked her best friend, in the romantic way. But he only saw her as a best friend, nothing more.

She third-wheeled everyone, and she had to admit it was boring. Now that Ricky had Gina, she was the one in the background while they ate ice cream, one spoon for two.

It was hard to be quiet, especially when she knew so much about Ricky. She could literally spend a whole day spouting random facts about him, like the time he ate Miss Abbott's goldfish in kindergarten.

And it's hard to say I don't care
When all I do is just stare around you

Nini had to say being envious wasn't a good feeling.

In truth, she was jealous of Gina.

When everyone asked her about it, Nini simply turned to another topic, such as last week's football game. That was the worst excuse ever, since they all knew Nini hated sports.

She tried acting like she didn't care with Ricky and Gina, but all she could do was just stare at them as they passed her in the hall, stealing kisses and giggling over jokes.

Those were jokes that Nini had made, the ones that she'd told Ricky. Now he was telling it to her.

I know we go together so much better than you two
Cause she doesn't know your middle name or how you tie your shoes
The face you make behind your mates when they're mad at you
She doesn't know you flip your hair when you're nervous
Or how you really are
Under the surface

On nights where they were supposed to have their best-friend get-together nights, Ricky brought Gina along. Nini pasted on her fake smile and acted like it was fine, but inside, she was a mess of emotions.

She knew for a fact that Ricky and her would've made a much better couple. They knew everything about each other, unlike Gina, who didn't know...anything at all about him. Or who he was, under his surface.

Did she know that he didn't learn how to tie his shoes until he was in sixth grade? Did she know that he ran a hand over his curls when he was nervous, like before a big skate competition? Did she know that he was allergic to cheese, but just the Laughing Cow type? Did she know that he had a strange fascination with Greek mythology when he was ten?

Of course. She didn't know anything, and Nini knew everything. But he liked Gina, not her.

Based on the song "Under the Surface" by Jenna Davis. I have a weird obsession with Brat TV songs.

Hope y'all enjoyed!! Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep dreaming.


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