valentine's is a day for loving

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In which Joshua surprises Olivia with something for Valentine's Day.

Warning: extreme fluff!!!

Olivia yawned as she woke up on top of Joshua. She glanced around the room and saw that clothes were strewn all over the place, like a tornado had passed through. Olivia just needed to make sure, and looked down at her bare body to find hickeys all over. She and Josh might have gotten a little wasted last night.

She found her shirt dangling from the headboard and threw it on.

She kissed her boyfriend's cheek.

"Good morning, handsome."

He stretched sleepily and gave her his award winning smile. Olivia thought that his morning bedhead made him look even more attractive than he already was.

"Morning!" he yawned.

"Well, I'll go start the shower. You can join me if you want to."

Valentine's Day is a day for love, right? So the two spent some extra time... Using your inferencing skills, you might already know what happened.

That morning, Olivia made cacio e Pepe. Josh would never get tired of eating it, and it was also the only thing that she knew how to make. In this relationship, he was more of the master chef.

"I tried a new recipe. ne sais quoi. Be honest and tell me if you like it or not."

Josh dug in and tried to hide his true feelings. "Um, yeah! Very interesting flavor! But I prefer the old type, though. This one is too...blech, blech [slurps water] salty! Ah! My mouth!"

Josh drowned it out on his water and ran for another glass. "Geez, that was intense."

"Telling me," Olivia said, having tried it for the first time. She finished the large glass of water in one gulp. "I should definitely stick to the status quo when it comes to cooking."

"I still love you, even if you made my taste buds lose their sense of taste."

"I know."

He playfully tickled her as she ran around the kitchen, yelling.

At the end of the day, Josh waited for Olivia to come home. She had a press conference about her new TV show.

He nervously fiddled with the buttons on his shirt as he held the large box. His sisters had told him this was the perfect gift for her.

Olivia opened the door. "Oh my god, are the paparazzi always this intruding?"

"You get used to it, honestly," he chuckled.

"Happy Valentine's Day," he said, holding out the box tied with a red ribbon.

Olivia snatched at it eagerly and ripped off the wrapping. She gasped in delight at what she saw inside.

It was an American Girl doll.

One that looked exactly like her.

I tried to get as close as I could to the hair and the eyes

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I tried to get as close as I could to the hair and the eyes. I think she's more of a Josefina face?

"Oh my god, Joshua! Wow! It's just...thank you so, so, fucking much."

I can imagine her saying that. I didn't want to curse, I just wanted to make it realistic.

Josh chuckled. "Anything for you, Princess. Besides, I know you used to love these growing up. I remember my sisters all watching Grace Stirs Up Success when it came out. They absolutely loved it, so when I asked them for what to get you, they suggested this."

Olivia smashed her lips to Joshua's. "Well, I've got one last surprise for you."

Inferencing skills: it had something to do with a lot, lot, LOT 0f heated kissing get the rest.

I've wanted to write this for a long time. Hope y'all enjoyed!!!

Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep dreaming.


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