long may you reign.

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Plot: Nini Salazar-Roberts is a princess in 16th century Spain, and she's trapped in this royal lifestyle she never chose to live. An old friend may lead her to some new adventures...including romance. But they find out that happily ever after doesn't come so easily.

This has been in my drafts for over three months now, so finally publishing it is a relief. Light M, maybe?


Requested by -gryffinroar, angst with a happy ending.

Kind of just fluff, because lately, Wattpad has been making me rethink writing angst fics. Honestly, literally, every writer has been releasing wholesomely fluffy chapters.

Enjoy, humanoids!!!


Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a kingdom. A queendom, if you may. The Princess of the land, Nina Salazar-Roberts, was about to be crowned queen. Per ancient custom, there's a masquerade ball to celebrate her and for her to find a suitable husband.

You may ask, how does this relate to me at all? I'm just a common villager, the son of a baker with no wealth at all.

Truth be told, I was once her friend. Her best friend, really.

I did harbor a large secret: I'm in love with her. Ten years later, we're both young adults, and I still am. Nothing's changed; except my father no longer works at the palace, he died from the plague, and now I'm just a 23-year-old man living with his best friend, a redhead cleverly nicknamed "Big Red." His parents are ingenious. I run a small bakery in the town village with him as my accomplice.

Today, we were baking bread in the cottage when Red noticed me staring wistfully out at the window.

"What's wrong with you, chap? You've been moping around for weeks," he said in that slight Irish accent, flour all over his face.

I kneaded some bread with my free hand, the other propping up my head. "I love her."

"Then why don't you go to the palace and ask for her hand? She's probably still thinking of you."

"Marry her? You don't just walk up to a girl, hand her a bouquet and say, "Hey, remember me? I'm Ricky Bowen, the baker's son. We were children together. Will you marry me?" No. It just isn't done that way."

"You can disguise yourself," Red said. I could see the gears turning in his brain. "I remember I have an old suit of my grandfather's back in the day he was a knight. I'll let you borrow it to pretend to be a prince or some type of nobility and ask to marry her. This is a masquerade ball, so you can be able to hide your identity. When the time is right, just tell her who you are."

"Your grandfather's ghost? Besides, she's probably forgotten about me, it's been ten years, Red. Be realistic."

"Believe me, she hasn't," Red chuckled. Another blast of flour burst up into his face, making him look like a white and confused ghost.


I glanced out at the line of suitors and stifled a yawn, not that I could yawn. This bloody corset was making it harder to do anything.

I fiddled with the necklace chain under my dress and groaned. I honestly don't know what the point of this is. However, this is also the only time doors aren't slammed in my face every time I try to make conversation with someone.

All the same, one after another. Just lines and lines and lines of boring, boorish, and brainless suitors. They wanted nothing more than a little wife to control, to wait on them hand and foot, and to abdicate the throne after my mothers' death. I wouldn't be that person.

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