Chapter 6 Mommy Shizu

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Y/n's POV

"What! This little girl is the leader of your village?" A girl with blonde hair said. The lady with the mask got up and walked over to me. "Can it really be? Are you a neko?" She asked. I nodded slowly, worried about what she was going to do. She kneeled down and hugged me while petting me. "I never thought I'd get to see one, you're so cute." She said. She moved her mask so she could look at me better. "Your ears are super cute too." She said stroking my ears. I did my best not to purr, but as she continued to stroke my ears, I noticed myself purring. "Oh my, your purring is amazing. I've always wanted to know what a neko's ears feel like." She said. After a few minutes she stopped, allowing me to catch my breath. "Y-you r-really like m-my ears?" I asked.

"Honestly? I love them! I've really only heard stories about neko's, but your the first one I've ever seen." She said. I looked at the others, seeing that they're just as shocked as I was. "There are stories about me?" I asked. 

"Well, not you specifically, more like about your race." She said.

"That's good to hear, isn't it Y/n?" Daddy asked. I turned to see daddy on the ground. "Let me introduce our other master. Lord Rimuru!" Rigurd said.

"The other leader of your village is this slime?" One guy asked. 

"Got a problem with that?" Daddy asked. 

"No, not at all." The guy said.

"What are you guys doing in the forest?" Daddy asked. I felt some arms wrap around me as the girl with the mask brought me into a hug. I felt safe in her hug as the leader Kaval explained what they were going in the forest. "You're all welcome to stay here for the night." Daddy said. I felt something coming from Shizu as I heard a quiet grunt of pain. "Shizu? Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at her. She smiled at me and told me to "not worry about it" hearing that made me worry. "Can I show you something?" I asked. She smiled and nodded, I led her to the hill that I came to when I was worried about something. The sun was starting to set as we arrived at the hill. "This is beautiiful lady Y/n." Shizu said. 

"Will you tell me what's wrong now?" I asked. She sighed and sat on the edge of the hill. "I've been in the world for a long time, and the way I survived was through a spirit named Ifrit. His spirit was allowed to inhabit my body. Since I've been getting older he's been trying to get out, and that puts people in danger." Shizu said. 

"Can we help somehow?" I asked. She shook her head. "I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do." Shizu said. I felt tears forming as I looked away from Shizu. "Hey come here." Shizu said pulling me over to her. She hugged me as I started to cry. "There's no need to cry, I was on a journey but I think I'll take a break for now and stay here." Shizu said. I stopped crying so much and looked up at her. "Will you be my mommy?" I asked.

"Don't you have one?" Shizu asked.

"My real mommy and daddy left me in a cave, there I met a dragon then daddy." I said.

"I don't know about that, the only other kids I've taken care of are the ones in the adventurer's school." Shizu said. 

"Please, I want a nice and strong mommy. Plus daddy had a fortune told and he said that you were the one that he saw in the fortune." I said trying to dry my tears. 

"She's telling you the truth." Daddy said coming up the hill.

"So she was abandoned by her family, raised by a dragon and a slime." Shizu said.

"She also has a very unique skill 'Predator'. " Daddy said. She looked at me shocked. "You have such a skill, although with the stories I've been told Nekos were known for having higher chances of unique skills." Shizu said. 

"I'm going to ask you something odd, but are you from another world?" Daddy asked. 

"You're from Japan as well?" Shizu asked. Daddy nodded. "I see that you were reincarnated." Shizu said. Daddy hopped over to us and sat next to Shizu and me. "Do you want to see the world now?" Daddy asked.

"I'd love to." Shizu said. After a second the world around us turned into a night sky, the world moved around showing us what looked like a room with something weird on a desk. "Cover her eyes!"Daddy yelled. Shizu covered my eyes not allowing me to look at something. After a few seconds Shizu uncovered my eyes. I looked down and saw what looked like a sky full of stars. "It reminds me of New York, I saw it on a post card once." Shizu said.

"What's New York?" I asked.

"It's a city that has a lot of lights and people." Shizu said. We watched for a few more seconds before Shizu grunted in pain again. "Are you alright?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "I've decided, I think I'll live here for a while. At least if that's alright with you two." Shizu said.

"Of course, it's alright with me." Daddy said.

"Hey Rimuru, we need your advice for where to put a new house." Kaijin called.

"I'll see you two later." Daddy said.

"Y/n, I've decided. I'd love to be your mother." Shizu said. I smiled as tears formed, I ran over and hugged her. "Thank you mommy." I said.

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