Chapter 35

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Y/n's POV

Once the meeting started, papa told the story that Eren had told us to everyone before explaining that he'd become a demon lord to revive Shion. "Papa! I'm becoming a demon lord, too." I said. Everyone looked at me, shocked. "Lord Rimuru... May I talk with you after the meeting?" Mama asked, smiling at papa. As mama looked at papa, I felt a dark aura coming from around her. "Yes..." Papa answered. Mama's dark aura disappeared before she looked at me. "I'd also like to talk with you." Mama said. I just nodded quickly while everyone else just stared at us. "There's an army on its way here, from the kingdom of Falmuth. I plan on using 10,000 souls to evolve into a demon lord and Y/n will also use 10,000 souls to evolve." Papa explained. 

"There current success rate of reviving Shion and the others is currently three percent." I said. Everyone gasped. "Are you serious, lord Rimuru?" Mama asked.

"Please hang tight for a second. I know everyone has questions and concerns, but I'd like for you to hear me out first." Papa said. Mama nodded. After that, papa started talking about his past and coming from the same world that the otherworlders come from. "Does that mean lady Y/n is also from that world?" Rigurd asked. 

"No, Y/n is from this world." Papa said. Everyone looked at me for confirmation, which I answered with a nod. "You guys are my family, and you're important to me." Papa said. I heard some crying and looked out the window to see Gabiru's companions and the group that worked with Youm crying. "I said I liked humans and made the rule that we wouldn't attack them because I used to be one. I couldn't let that go." Papa said. 

"Is that why you wanted to become friends with humans?" Benimaru asked.

"Yeah, but regretting my decisions won't erase what happened. I need you guys to know that I never meant for this to happen. I should've come back sooner, instead of staying in Ingrassia." Papa answered. 

"No, this isn't your fault. We've been too dependent on you as our protector, we should've been more vigilant. This is the result of our own carelessness." Mama said.

"My sister is right. These events have made me aware of somethings. When the barrier cut us off from you, the feeling of being all powerful also was cut off. I was panicked about losing the one I relied upon. You trusted me to look after Tempest, so the only one to blame is me." Benimaru said. After Beniumaru said that everyone started trying to take blame for what happened. "Cut it out." I said. Everyone looked at me before quieting down and looking at me. "This wasn't a competition. I put my feelings first and your the ones who had to pay for it. The fault for what happened here is mine and mine alone. I'm really sorry." Papa said. Everyone was saddened by papa saying that he was the one to blame for this. "If I may, the fact that you put your feelings first isn't something that you should apologize for. Honestly it's not about you, we all let our guards down. We were too weak to protect ourselves, it's our fault we let those scoundrals into our city and do whatever they wanted. I assume that everyone here agrees with me." Hakurou said. 

Everyone nodded before I looked at papa. "You guys..." Papa said.

"My lord, you're still our fearless leader, whether you want to become friends with humans or become a demon lord. We will support you and lady Y/n no matter what." Rigurd said. 

"Don't you guys dislike having an ex-human ordering you around?" Papa asked.

"Does that change who you are now?" Gobta asked.

"No, of course not." Papa asnwered.

"Lord Rimuru, we love you and Y/n because of the things both of you have done for us and for who you are." Mama said.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone cares what you were before papa." I said. Everyone agreed with me. "Either way we'll follow you and Lady Y/n no matter what." Rigurd said. 

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