Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

Seven days quickly passed as we all got ready to fight to orc army that was headed to the marshlands. "Y/n, I think it's best if you stay here." Papa said. I looked at him, shocked, before I shook my head. "No, I'm going too!" I yelled. He looked at me before thinking about it. "Lord Rimuru, if I might interrupt." Hakurou said, coming into the room. 

"What's up Hakurou?" Papa asked. 

"Well, it's about Lady Y/n going with us." Hakurou said. I looked at him with a smile as he looked at papa. "Hakurou, you know how I feel about something this dangerous." Papa said. 

"I understand completely, however I don't think you've seen her growth first hand. Not only was she trained by the 'Conqueror of Flames,' she's also been training with me since I came here." Hakurou said. Papa sighed for a moment before looking at me. "Alright, I want to see how far you've come in your training." Papa said, turning into his human form. I nodded and followed him outside, where we had an open area. He handed me a wooden sword before walking a little ways away from me. "Alright, let's see those skills in action." Papa said. I nodded and got ready to fight him like I do Hakurou. "I'll be the judge of the match. Begin." Hakurou said. Papa charged towards me and tried to hit me with his sword. I blocked his hit and tried to hit him. He blocked my strike as he jumped away from me. "Alright, I'm going to use a few skills now." Papa said. He disappeared before I felt something behind me. I rolled forward and dodged an attack from behind me. "Nice work, but still not enough to convince me." Papa said. I rushed him and made him jump back. As he jumped back, I used shadow movement to get behind him. Before he could land, I came out from behind him and knocked him to the ground. I pointed my sword towards his face as he looked at me. "That's the match." Hakurou said. I let out a sigh before my legs gave out, making me fall to the floor. Papa sat up and put his hand on my head. "Alright, you proved me wrong. You can come with us, but you're sticking close to me." Papa said. I nodded as I leaned into his chest.

"Was that good enough for you, lord Rimuru?" Hakurou asked. 

"Yeah, thank you for training her more. Now let's go finish preparing for the fight." Papa said hugging me. After a few minutes I got up and headed to Shuna's store. "Shuna are you here?" I asked opening the door. I saw her working on something before she covered it with some etrxa fabric. "Hello lady Y/n, is there something you needed from me?" Shuna asked. I walked over to her and tried to see what she was making. She stepped in front of me blocking my view of what she was working on. "Is there anything I can do for you, lady Y/n?" She asked with a smile. 

"What are you working on?" I asked. 

"It's a secret." She said. I tried sneaking past her to see what she covered, but she stopped me everytime. "Lady Y/n, I'm working on something super secret." She said. I crossed my arms and sighed before remembering why I went to her. "Finally remembered why you were here?" Shuna asked. I nodded and handed her my armor that I had made. "I need help putting this on correctly." I said. Shuna nodded, took the clothes and locked her store door. "Alright let's get you changed really quick." Shuna said. I nodded as she helped me change into my armor. She had to cut a hole in the armor for my tail and adjusted a few areas for me, so the armor would fit me better. "Thanks Shuna." I said giving her a hug. She returned my hug before I headed out to see when we were leaving for the marshlands. Papa told me when we were leaving and that I had free time before we left. I headed back to Shuna's store to see if I could finally see what she was working on. When I got there she still had it covered. "Lady Y/n I didn't expect to see you again." She said. 

"Papa said that we're leaving later, so I wanted to be here with you." I said. She smiled and pulled out a chair that she had for me in case I wanted to be there with her. I watched her make the silk like material for a while before she had me do a few things for her. Once night fell I met up with papa, Souei, Shion, Benimaru, and the goblin riders. We made our way to the marshlands, Souei made sure that we were safe making our way there. I was holding onto papa as we continue don our way. Papa started using tought communication with someone before having Ranga speed up. We made it to a clearing where Souei was holding a girl. "She's been wounded." Souei said. Papa gave her a potion before she sat up. "What? I thought that wound was fatal." She said. She looked up at papa before seeing me and everyone else. "Who are you?" She asked. 

"I'm Rimuru Tempest." Papa said. She looked at him before bowing down to him. "Please save my father and brother." The girl said. Papa looked at her confused. "What's going on?" Papa asked. The girl explained how Gabiru was her brother and that he overthrew her father the lizardman chieftan before imprisoning them. Her father helped her escape so she could tell us about what happened. Shion stepped towards her before kneeling down next to the girl, she complimented her on recognizing papa's power. Before she helped her stand up, Shion reassured her that we could save the lizardmen. "You said you were the Chieftan's daughter right?" Papa asked. The girl looked at him before kneeling down before papa again. "Yes, I am. I will follow any command you give." The girl said. 

"Okay, you'll act as the chieftan's proxy. Do you object to forging an alliance right here and now?" Papa said. She looked up at him before shaking her head. "No not at all." She said. 

"Then it's settled consider us your new allies." Papa said. Papa asked Souei if he could save the chieftan using shadow movement before ordering him to go. With that Souei disappeared to go save the chieftan. "Alright let's continue the march." Papa ordered. Me and him got back onto Ranga before he started running as fast as he could.

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