Chapter 25

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A/n: I'm including the Rimuru's life as a teacher in the story because I think it'd be funny.

Y/n's POV

A few days after, we saved the kids by having spirits possess them. We were playing with a ball while papa was a puddle under the tree nearby. Ranga ended up joining him before the ball that we were playing with hit papa. "Ow!" Papa said. We ran over to papa as Chloe apologized to papa. "Are you okay, mister Rimuru?" Chloe asked.

"This is crazy, but I don't feel pain. The 'ow' was a reflex, so it's all good." Papa said waving a slime arm at us. Everyone looked at me, giving me questioning looks. "Yeah, once I gained papa's skills I also stopped feeling pain. I can even regenerate like he can." I said. Everyone was a little shocked before turning back to papa. "Do you think you can come play with us for a little?" Chloe asked.

"Great idea Chloe. I bet he's a ton of fun to play with." Kenya said.

"You mean play together, right? I don't want to be the ball." Papa asked before laughing like it was a joke. I picked him up, and we ran over to where we were playing before. "Ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded before I throw papa up and hit him into the air. "Huh?" Papa asked as he drifted down towards Kenya. Kenya hit papa back into the air over to Ryota, who hit him into the air again. "I was kidding about the ball thing." Papa said. Gale hit him over to Alice, who launched him high into the air. Chloe jumped up and was ready to hit papa back towards the ground. "Now, 'Ultra Spike.'" Chloe said, hitting papa back into the air, sending him flying away from Freedom academy. "Great job Chloe." I said, giving her a high five. Everyone got a little jealous and asked for a high five from me, which I happily gave to each of them. "Master! No!" Ranga shouted.

I was walking around Freedom Academy with papa trying to keep him on task. We ended up in the faculty office where most of the teacher's prepared lessons and other activities. Papa set a lamp down on his desk before looking at it and smiling. I sighed and gathered a few things that I knew papa needed to fill out before we left. As I was gathering everything, I heard the doors to the office open and someone talking. "Yes, I've delivered the letter to Count Guratol." Professor Jeff said. He saw me and papa standing there and I bowed to him. "Good afternoon professor Jeff." I said smiling at him. He nodded before looking at papa. "Professor Rimuru, this is a rare pleasure to see you around the office." Jeff said.

"If it isn't the prof himself, the Jeff man. How are you?" Papa said.

"Quite well, I see you have an abundance of free time yet again. You're even having one of your students help you do some paperwork I see." Jeff said.

"I wouldn't exactly say that, but whatever." Papa said.

"I've been terribly busy preparing for our outdoor training." Jeff said. I started looking through the papers that I had gathered and found the one talking about the outdoor training. "Outdoor training?" Papa asked.

"What's this you're telling me you haven't heard of it?" Jeff asked.

"We just got here and professor Rimuru doesn't read everything that gets sent his way." I explained.

"I see, so that's why you're with him." Jeff said. I nodded. "It's an exercise to give the students some practical experience. It's a major annual event." Professor Tiss explained.

"Sounds like fun." Papa said.

"Student's from class A through E competet against each other." Tiss said.

"That's good to know." Papa said.

"Since class S is so brilliant I assume they won't be participating. Meaning that as usual you have nothing to worry over. How I envy you." Jeff said.

"Good luck with that sounds like a party. I bet class S would've blown you away with how awesome they are." Papa said.

"You think so?" Jeff asked. I sighed as I realized that they were going to get annoyed with each other. "You must be jesting." Jeff said.

"I am not." Papa said.

"I don't doubt the students of class S are all but brilliant and I'd even admit that your bizarre talent for teaching brought those kids together." Jeff said.

"Was that a compliment?" Papa asked.

"It was, however the outdoor training isn't a game. Class S doesn't even have the proper equipment to participate in the training." Jeff said.

"Do they have to supply their own equipment for the training?" Papa asked.

"Professor Rimuru, the students need to provide the equipment used for the training." I said showing him the paper. Papa looked it over quickly before Jeff interrupted again. "You didn't knwo that either? All students must have weapons and armor by the time they graduate." Jeff said. I walked over and stood next to miss Tiss while papa and Jeff continued talking about the training. "I'm sorry about him." I whispered. I heard a quiet giggle from miss Tiss before papa said that we'd be joining the event. "That's wonderful, I'm sure the kids will form good relationships. I'm glad you'd join the event." Miss Tiss said.

"Professor Tiss will you please explain the details of the event to professor Rimuru." Jeff said. Miss Tiss agreed and started explaining what was going to be happening for the event. I started thinking about a few things and what we might need to prepare for the event. Once papa heard that there was a bonus for the winning professor he was set on doing the event. We headed back to class and papa asked about everyone's preferred weapon. All of the kids knew something was up before telling him to skip to the end. When papa told them what was happening the kids were a little shocked before agreeing that it would be fun. They told us what weapons they wanted before papa gave them each a book to read. "I want each of you to read this before we get back." Papa said. I picked up one of the books and quickly read through it before looking at papa.

"You do realize that this is basically useless right?" I asked.

"Don't give me that, I'm sure it's a little useful." Papa said. He summoned Ranga and hopped on his back before he looked at me. "Are you coming with me?" Papa asked. I shook my head. "I want to make sure that everyone has some practice fighting." I said. Papa nodded and left while I took each of the books from the kids. "Who needs this when we can do some more combat training." I said. They all smiled and nodded as we headed outside. I fought each of the kids one on one allowing them to learn what they should improve on. Each one of them started to slowly improve before we took a break from sparring. After our break they started asking about what it was like to live in the forest which I told them about until the sun started to set. The girls dragged me to their room since papa wasn't back before it was dark out. The next morning we headed to the classroom where papa was waiting for us. He gave each of the kids the weapon that they asked for. "One other thing. None of the other professors know that Y/n is actually my daughter, so she's going to be joining class S on the training." Papa explained.

"Really?" Chloe asked.

"Yup, but make sure you don't rely on her. If the professors found out how powerful she truly was I think they'd have an issue with her joining." Papa said. All of the kids nodded before papa looked at me. "Make sure you look out for them." Papa said. I smiled and nodded before he led us outside. He showed us the camping carriage that I assumed Kaijin and Kurobe made. "It's just like a real camper." Kenya said.

"At least teach is taking this seriously." Ryota said. We heard the girls scream before heading inside the camper where we same them talking about what it was like inside. "The men would be fine, but I can see why the girls can't go without a toilet." Kenya said.

"Says you, I would prefer a toilet over a tree any day." Royta said.

"Papa what's going to pull the carriage?" I asked.

"I thought Ranga would." Papa said.

"We can't do that, it'd be like relying on the teacher to help us." Chloe said.

"I actually have some magic that might help us." Gale said. Everyone looked at him before we walked outside where he summoned a beast Gnome. Chloe was hiding behind papa while Alice was giving Gale a pat on the back. After that papa wanted us to prepare for the training by coming up with different situations that might come up. After that I started going through some of the supplies I had on me making sure that if anything dangerous came up I could deal with it.

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