The End of One, Beginning of Another (Chapter 29)

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Walking into the restaurant carrying a festive bouquet of three large helium balloons, Harper bellowed, "Where is the congratulatory, girl."

Shrinking in the chair and hiding her face, Marlow shook her head.

"There you are!!"

Pulling Marlow from the booth, Harper wrapped her in a tight hug. It wasn't until she saw Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca that she released her friend.

"I know you already," she said, pointing at Piero, "But who are you two?"

Waving hi to Zoe, Piero introduced both girls to the other two. Standing and leaning over the table, Ignazio and Gianluca shook both girls' hands and rearranged the seating to make room for everyone.

"Uh, wait!" Harper said, climbing onto her chair. Though Marlow tried to pull her back down, Harper persisted. "Excuse me, could I please have your attention for two minutes. My absolute best friend right here passed her last course today and will graduate from UBC in a couple of weeks." Raising her water glass, Harper proposed a toast. "Please join me in a toast to her."

Looking down at Marlow and beaming, she said, "You are going to be one kick-ass speech pathologist, and we are all proud of you. To Marlow."

"To Marlow," her friends and strangers repeated.

Sitting back down, Harper enveloped Marlow in her arms. Not caring that her best friend's face was twenty shades of red and she glared at her, Harper declared, "I'm done. I promise not to intentionally embarrass you anymore tonight."

Getting a knee squeeze from Piero, Marlow shook her head when Ignazio high-fived Harper and announced, "That was epic. Well done!"

Marlow's suggestion that the guys join her and her friends for the evening allowed Piero to observe a very different Marlow. She exuded a new sense of confidence. Freed from the uncertainty about her future, tonight, she appeared completely relaxed and at ease, truly in her element.

Settling into a slightly more subdued mood, perhaps brought on from a satisfying food coma, Marlow and Piero were oblivious to Ignazio's and Zoe's observation of them. Over the weekend, something had shifted between them, and as Piero ran his finger lightly along the top of Marlow's wrist, the two observers couldn't help but smile, feeling proud that they had played a part in bringing them together.

"Guys," Piero said excitedly, "You have got to hear Harper sing. She is amazing!"

Marlow had seldom seen Harper blush, but having succumbed to "Italian charm," a red flush could be seen across her chest and cheeks. Chuckling, Marlow caught Zoe's gaze. Motioning for her to come along, Marlow excused herself.

"So?" Zoe asked, leaning nonchalantly against the bathroom sink and looking at her best friend.

Giddy, every part of Marlow exuded joy.

"He is everything I hoped he would be and everything you said he was."

"That is so awesome. So, are you two going to keep in touch once he leaves?"

"I assume so. We haven't really discussed him leaving," Marlow answered.

"Have you talked about the possibility of a long-distance relationship and what that might entail?"

"Like I said, we haven't talked about him leaving tomorrow."

Digging in her purse, Marlow did a light touch-up on her lips.

"Don't you think you should talk about it?" Zoe continued to question. "I mean, it doesn't have to happen tonight, but it's an important discussion to have, don't you think?"

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