Prendere il Volo (Take Flight) Chapter 27

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The lights dimmed until the theatre was almost entirely dark, and as the first notes of music filled the room, Marlow felt goosebumps erupt across her back and down both arms. Then, slowly, the curtain rose, and the hushed murmurs around her were drowned out by the thunderous applause and cheers as three figures stepped forward. Silhouetted against a mauve backdrop, their identities were unmistakable. Descending the stairs, spotlights illuminated each of them in turn, revealing the members of "Il Volo.

Clad in matching black attire, Gianluca exuded an air of sophistication in his formal tuxedo jacket, contrasted by Ignazio's more relaxed style with rolled-up sleeves and a buttoned-up vest. Following close behind, Piero, in his smart suit jacket, took his place in front of a mic stand.

Gianluca was the first to sing. As he sang, a velvety baritone voice filled the auditorium, the music so loud Marlow's chest rattled. It was a song she had heard before, a song she had never cared for. But, now hearing it live, it struck a chord somewhere deep inside her soul, and she wasn't sure she had ever heard anything more beautiful. Then, when Ignazio's powerful tenor voice came in, Marlow sat frozen in her chair as it entwined itself with the strings accompanying them. Standing tall but relaxed next to him, Piero finally joined in. So different from what she had heard in the car or at the house, his voice commanded the stage with its unwavering power.

Each voice, compelling on its own, wove together to create a mesmerizing tapestry of harmonies that sent shivers down her spine, and brough tears to her eyes. Once the song ended, silence filled the auditorium, only to be replaced seconds later with the sound of 2000 people clapping and whistling. Lifted from her seat, Marlow knew she was in for an unforgettable evening.

Just like the past six days, the banter in between songs had Marlow holding her sides. There was no personal persona vs stage, and as Ignazio got carried away, leaving Piero unsure what his brother would do, Gianluca was left to bring everything back together.

"Ignazio, what are you doing?" Gianluca asked, pulling up a stool as Ignazio wandered to the front of the stage.

"Just wait a minute."

"Igna," Piero called out. "Just quit whatever you are doing..."

"Or thinking of doing," Gianluca interrupted, causing everyone in the audience to laugh. "Come back and introduce the next song," he ordered.

Watching Ignazio hop off the stage, shaking their heads, Gianluca and Piero looked out at the audience.

"Out of the three of us," Piero said, "He wastes the most time."

"My time is not wasted," Ignazio said, waving away Piero's comment. Proceeding up the aisle, he added, "My time is important to me."

"To you, yes; to them and us, no!" Gianluca teased.

Shaking hands with those as he passed, Marlow's eyes narrowed the closer Ignazio got to her.

"Hi there. Is this seat taken?" he asked, looking down at Marlow.

"No," she answered.

Making himself comfortable, Ignazio smiled and asked, "What is your name?"

"It's Marlow."

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Are you enjoying the concert?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Good. Do you know the story behind this next song?"



Marlow shook her head.

"Why not?" he asked, looking at her.

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