To Take Flight (Chapter 30)

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"Grab them, grab them!" Marlow heard multiple voices exclaim.

Exiting the car, she instantly realized what she had done. Popping the trunk from the inside, her bouquet of balloons from last night made their escape.

Caught off guard as a sudden gust of wind wrapped its fingers around the escapees, lifting them swiftly out of reach, she watched as Ignazio leapt into the air. Grasping the slick ribbon of the lowest balloon, he jerked his arm down and handed it back to Marlow.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Gianluca said, his eyes asking for forgiveness. "I'll buy you some replacement balloons," he offered.

"No, you don't have to do that."

"I feel so horrible."

"Gianluca, it's OK. It was my fault anyway. I completely forgot that they were there. So, really, it's OK."

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

Rolling her eyes, she bopped the balloon on his head.


Stepping out of the way while they placed luggage in the trunk, Marlow gazed at the cellophane orb in her hand. How ironic that Ignazio had saved the only balloon with writing on it.


Yesterday, she was happy to receive congratulations for passing her course and being able to graduate. This morning, the celebratory writing spoke differently; congratulations on opening yourself up and letting someone in. Shading her eyes with her hand, she searched the sky for the fleers. Spotting the now tiny, coloured globes high in the sky, she let go of the balloon she was holding.

"What are you doing?" three voices questioned.

"There's nowhere for me to put this in the car unless someone wants to have it in their face the whole way, so I've sent my congrats balloon for finishing school on its flight to join the others."

"Did you know that Il Volo means the flight?" Ignazio asked.

"It does? So how do I say my future is taking flight?"

All three guys responded in unison, "il mio futuro sta prendendo il volo."

Chuckling, Marlow tipped her head back and again shielded her eyes from the sun's glare. Flying higher and higher, the silver orb danced under the wind's direction. Turning and catching the sun's brightness, it shone in all its free glory, as bright as the sun itself.

Clapping her hands along with the others, it was a great send-off. Watching for a few more seconds longer while everyone else took their place in the car, Marlow quietly reflected. Maybe Piero would become the gust of wind in her life that would show her just how high she could fly.


Standing silently in the airport terminal as Michele spoke with the others, Marlow reminisced about the past ten days. Sitting at the table that first day, staring at the yellow envelope, it never occurred to her what was going to happen. Reflecting, had she not been the one to experience it, she would have never believed anyone else. Swung up in an unexpected bear hug, Marlow's heart jumped into her throat. Pushing against the arms holding her, Ignazio's laughter brought her back.

"Beh, amore mio, ahimè, dobbiamo dire addio," he started. "La nostra storia d'amore, anche se breve, ha toccato il mio cuore e sarò cambiato per sempre."

"I don't know what you said, but it sounded beautiful," Marlow said, bringing a shoulder to her ear.

"I said," Ignazio started again, but this time more dramatic. "My love, alas, we must say goodbye. Our romance, though short, has touched my heart, and I will be forever changed."

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