Home Sweet Home (Chapter 35)

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Climbing the steps from street level up to the patio, Marlow beamed from ear to ear. Before coming, she initially declined Piero's invitation to stay with him, but he persisted. Finally, reassured that she would have her own private room, she gave in. Walking over to the railing, she looked across the rural Bologna countryside to the hint of red rooftops and felt glad she had.

"This is almost as good as my magical kingdom."

Invited to come inside, Marlow pulled herself away.

"After you," Piero said, sweeping his arm over the threshold.

Marlow's eyes widened in amazement as she entered Piero's home. The pristine white walls were adorned with pictures and accolades, reflecting his deep love for music, travel and family. With a feature wall in soothing, soft grey and splashes of coloured fabrics, his home exuded a warm and welcoming ambiance that perfectly complemented his personality. "I never noticed what was behind you whenever we video chatted. This is so different from what I expected."

"You were expecting old?"

Laughing at herself, Marlow didn't bother answering.

"Come, let me show you around," Piero offered, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Again, entering the kitchen, again Marlow's jaw dropped. Very modern, big, and bright, it was not a kitchen one would expect from someone who allegedly disliked cooking.

Ascending the white staircase, void of any railing, Marlow found safety in trailing her fingertips along the wall.

"So, you have a choice of two rooms."

Upon entering the first room, Marlow made her way to the window. Gazing at the city, she watched as the setting sun turned the terracotta rooftops into red-hot coals on a distant fire.

"I don't need to see the other one. I'll stay here. So, where is your room?"

Flashing a big grin, Piero motioned for her to stay put, and then he disappeared. Not gone long, Marlow heard him calling from outside. As she opened the door leading to a small, narrow balcony, she found Piero leaning against another metal railing off to her left.

"We're neighbours," he said, smiling and waving at her.

"I like that."

"Come, there's more I want to show you."

Heading back down the stairs and through the living room, the kitchen, and out the back door, another audible "Wow" escaped her lips. Where the front of the house looked on the city of Bologna, the back offered an expansive panorama of rolling hills and trees against a deepening burnt orange sky. Guided to a small patio furnished with wicker chairs and a circular table, the two sat silently, taking in the stunning surroundings. At least, that was what Marlow did. Lost in the moment, the fragrance of honey and lemon floated on a gentle breeze. Though there were no visible flower gardens, she surmised that the scent must have come from the trees surrounding the property. Glancing over at Piero, she finally realized he had been observing her.

"What do you think?" he asked, squeezing her hand.

Getting up and sitting on Piero's lap, Marlow coyly smiled and said, "I love it here."

Looking even more handsome by the setting sun, deepening his tan, making his teeth appear even whiter, and catching the glint in his dark eyes, Marlow surrendered to his charm. Caressing his jaw, she kissed him.

"Marlow, I love you," he said, resting his forehead against hers, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

From the euphoria of moments ago, Marlow's spine stiffened. While hearing someone say "I love you" would bring great joy for most people, it was a phrase she no longer trusted to be the positive affirmation it was meant to be. Unable to make herself look up, her teeth dug into her bottom lip, and out of habit, her hands became tucked under her chin.

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