Stripes vs Solids (Chapter 6)

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"I think we might have gone overboard with all this food," Marlow said, unpacking the bags and placing each item on the marble counter.

"Nonsense," Gianluca said with a confident grin.

As everyone dished up, the room filled with lively chatter.

"You know what I miss most when we're on the road?" Gianluca asked, savouring each flavorful bite of his dinner.

"What's that?" Marlow asked.

"Just chilling in a cozy space with friends, enjoying tasty food, and unwinding." Ignazio nodded in agreement.

"We are constantly on the move when on tour," he said. "You've seen our itinerary. Just imagine that same hectic daily routine for 200 days or more, not to mention the additional time spent travelling. We sometimes eat at odd hours, and despite our efforts to eat healthy, it's not always feasible. Sometimes, the only available option is a fast-food place." Slapping Piero on the shoulder, Ignazio continued.

"I remember our first experience tasting American fast food. Being teenagers, had our parents not limited our poor food choices, we would have eaten hamburgers and French fries every day," Ignazio added, his voice filled with nostalgic amusement. "And let me tell you, I was not the slim, sexy person you see before you now," he said, puffing out his chest and sliding his hand down his abs.

"Maybe you just hadn't grown to your full height yet," Marlow said, remembering the photograph of the guys when they were younger. When Gianluca scoffed, Marlow shot him a look. Seeing Piero gesturing, his hands far apart, she scolded, "That's not funny, you two."

"It's OK, it's true. I carried a lot of extra weight when I was younger."

"Well, good for you for working hard to keep it off," Marlow praised.

"Thank you," Ignazio said, slurping back a mouthful of noodles.

"Let's toast," Piero exclaimed excitedly, smiling as he raised his glass. "To new friendships, new music, finishing school and surviving new tours," he declared.

"Here, here," everyone cheered.


"I thought I heard some noise done here," Sawyer said, appearing at the bottom of the stairs. Marlow's startled reaction was immediate.

"Oh, you just scared the crap out of me," she said, catching herself before swearing out loud. "I didn't think anyone was here."

"I was in the area and received notification that the alarm was off, so I came to investigate."

"Umm," Marlow said, "sorry about that; I forgot to text that I was here."

Introducing himself, Sawyer shook hands with Gianluca.

"We have lots of food. Would you like to join us?" Ignazio invited.

"Thank you, but no. I'm just going to head out again."

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Piero stood up to shake Sawyer's hand.

"We've enjoyed having Marlow drive us around," he said, flashing her a bright smile. "I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."

Marlow couldn't contain a soft giggle, and she knew her cheeks had turned a deeper shade of pink. Lowering her eyes when Sawyer, Gianluca, Ignazio, and Piero all looked over at her, she excused herself to retrieve the needed invoices. As she walked away, she overheard Sawyer speaking to the guys.

"I appreciate that you are enjoying your time with Marlow, but I must ask that you be respectful to her. She is extremely important to us all, and I would hate for her kindness to be taken advantage of."

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