I Will Love You Forever (Chapter 28)

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Receiving the five-minute warning that her exam was done, Marlow quickly counted the number of questions she had completed. Finishing far more than she imagined she ever would, she gathered up her things and shoved them into her bag.

"Please hand in all test booklets and answer sheets," the professor's assistant announced coldly. "I will post final marks on the bulletin board outside office 437 by 3:00 this afternoon."

Leaving the classroom and feeling the need for a significant distraction, Marlow debated whether to head to work for a few hours or linger around campus. Unenthusiastic about the prospect of going to work, she popped her earbuds in and put on her Il Volo playlist. Following the pathway through the groomed campus grounds, she paused to looked down at a secluded beach far below. This was exactly what she needed. Descending the 500 steps down to the beach, beads of sweat from the warm sun prickled her skin, only to be quickly dried by the cool breeze coming off the water. Walking along the water's edge, she took her time and eventually settled down in front of a sun and sea salt weathered log. Leaning back, she let out a contented sigh as she savoured her lunch. People watching, each time a couple strolled nearby, she couldn't help but smile. This would have been the perfect spot to have taken Piero had she more time. Imagining walking barefoot with him, playing in the surf or simply sitting on the sand, she envisioned herself thoroughly enjoying every moment.

After spending a satisfactory amount of time at the beach, Marlow rose, brushed the sand off her backside and gathered her belongings. As she made her way back to the stairs, she looked up at the ridge above and smiled to herself. Suddenly, she dashed back to where she had been sitting, dropped her bag, and began to clear away sand with focused determination. Working slowly but meticulously, she eventually returned to her starting point. Scavenging several pieces of seaweed, she concentrated on the centre of her creation. Half an hour later, Marlow stepped back and admired her work. Satisfied with the result, she grabbed her bag and embarked on the arduous climb back up the 500 steps.

Stopping for a breather, Marlow glanced over her shoulder. Raising both fists, she exclaimed, "Ha, ha, yes!" Blushing slightly as she passed by people on their way down, Marlow sprinted up the last 50 steps. Standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down on the beach below, she viewed a slightly odd outline of Italy with a seaweed heart inside. Taking a selfie, maybe she would share it with Piero, or perhaps she wouldn't.


Entering the same building she had left two hours earlier, Marlow nervously waited for her turn to view the posted marks.

"Whatever the outcome, you did your best, so just take a picture of the list and leave," she told herself as she stepped up to the board. Hastily making her way out of the math department, she beelined it for the car. Slumping into the driver's seat, she placed her phone face down on the passenger seat and rubbed her face wearily. Taking deep breaths into her cupped hands, she silently pleaded, "Just let it be 53% or better. That's all I need; 53% or better."

With a trembling hand, Marlow picked up her phone and opened the photo. Scanning the list for her ID number among the other numbers, she found it fourth from the bottom and traced her finger to the farthest right-hand column. Nervously covering the mark with her fingertip with bated breath, she squeezed her eyes half-closed and slowly slid her finger down to the next row. The sight that met Marlow's eyes was unbelievable and she expanded the screen with her fingers.

Final mark: 54%.

"Ahh!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, startling a young man who was walking by her car. Concerned, he stopped and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I am fantastic! I passed my math course, and now I can graduate," Marlow blurted out, feeling embarrassed for having hollered so loudly, but too elated to care.

"Well, congratulations," the young man said with a smile, tapping on the top of the window frame.

"Thank you," Marlow gushed. "I can't believe it. I'm finally finished!"

Dabbing at the corner of her eye, she waved to the stranger as he walked away.

Exhaling hard and patting her chest, Marlow quickly glanced around. Pounding her fists on the steering wheel, she stamped her feet and squealed one last time. Highlighting the mark and sending a screenshot to everyone she knew, an immediate congratulation with several clapping hand emojis and a heart gif from Sawyer was sent back. Beaming with well-deserved pride and waiting for Piero to respond, Marlow forced herself to calm down so she could drive. Disappointed that she got nothing back, she understood he might have been busy and unable to answer.


Marlow blasted the car horn as she drove into the Blue Light parking lot. Leaning against a low brick wall, Gianluca and Ignazio held up a six-foot-long paper banner that read CONGRATULATIONS! Standing on top of the wall, Piero put his two fingers to his lips and blew a loud whistle. With screeching brakes, she brought her car to a sudden halt, leaping out and sprinting towards them. Jumping into Piero's arms, Marlow sealed her gratitude with an impulsive quick kiss on his lips.

"I will love you forever!" she enthusiastically exclaimed. Placed back on the ground, the realization of her impulsive act flooded her with of heat Though justifiably embarrassed, her overwhelming joy at passing her exam quickly replaced any lingering discomfort. Taking a small step to the side, she let out an exuberant squeal, stomping her feet in a whirlwind of uncontainable happiness.

"What about us?" Ignazio teased, pointing to himself and Gianluca.

As Gianluca leaned forward and tapped his cheek, Marlow obliged.

"Ahem," Ignazio said, clearing his throat. "I was your boyfriend, yet you kissed two others before me." Holding his gaze, she waited until his dimples began to appear. Then, encircling his neck as he bent his knees and lifted her up, she kissed his cheek and squeezed him tight.

"Thank you," she said as Ignazio set her back down. "I'm so glad neither of you listened to me when I turned you down. Both of you will also forever hold a place in my heart."

Following the fellas back into the building, Marlow sat quietly in the reception area so as not to disturb them and responded to the many words of praise and congratulations from her friends. Only looking up when the guys reappeared announcing that they were done, Marlow beamed at all three.

"We need to celebrate," Gianluca said, clasping his hands together.

"Yes, we do," she said. "But I have a problem."

"What's that," Gianluca asked.

"Well, should I celebrate with the three handsome men who helped make this happen or with my best, BEST girlfriends?"

Watching as Piero's face fell at the thought that she would prefer to celebrate without him, Marlow tapped on his chest.

"I know it would be OK with Harper and Zoe but would you three be willing to come and celebrate with my girlfriends and me."

Breaking into big grins, the boys all nodded yes.

"Yes!" Marlow exclaimed as she raised her arm in triumph. "Come on!" she said, grasping Piero's hand.

"Where are we going?" Gianluca questioned, taking his usual spot in the back seat.

"I'm going to take you to my place called The RecRoom. We'll eat at the restaurant first and then go have fun in the rec area."

"What exactly is in the rec area?" Ignazio asked.

"Everything anybody would ever want that's recreation; video games, obstacle courses, climbing walls, racquet courts. You name it; they have it."

"It sounds like an awesome place to go," Gianluca said.

"It is!"

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