Doubts and Fears (Chapter 22)

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The evening was simply perfect for a leisurely stroll. A cloudless sky allowed the stars to shine in all their brilliance. Leading Piero through the pathways, the two of them laughed and teased each other as they headed towards the pier and beach.

"What are Gianluca and Ignazio up to tonight?" Marlow asked.

"They are going out to a club with the recording crew."

"And you chose not to join them?"

Coyly smiling and raising an eyebrow, Piero held Marlow's gaze.

"I wanted to find out what you were up to first. I've already had too many meals with those two, and you are far more beautiful to look at than their unsightly faces."

"Why, thank you. Do you think I should have invited them to come along too?" Marlow asked, just to be polite.

Answering "no" a little too fast, this time Piero's cheeks felt the heat as Marlow gave him a tiny chuckle.

"It has been an interesting day, hasn't it?"

"It has. Other than just a few hours, we've spent the entire day together. You know," Marlow scolded, shaking her finger at him, "if you hadn't been so insistent that I study, we would have had time to go to Whistler and still make it back for your meeting."

"Are you blaming me for our shortened afternoon?"

"Absolutely. It's entirely your fault. I warned you that making me study would ruin our perfect day."

"That you did. Next time, I will dissuade you from ever wanting to study again."

"Sounds like a good plan, but only if it involves math."

"Well, thanks to me," Piero said with a hint of pride, rubbing his knuckles on his chest, "You will NEVER have to take another math course ever."

"Cross my fingers, let's hope."

"Just remember, scribble out the information you don't need, highlight the stuff you do and..." Piero's beaming smile widened when Marlow repeated with him, "Just BREATHE."

As Marlow listened attentively to Piero speaking, she observed the subtle quirks, such as how his giggles transitioned from quiet, breathy ha's to hearty laughs that revealed deep lines around his eyes and mouth. In moments of deep thought, he would habitually purse his lips, stroking his beard, and then adjust his glasses before sharing his words of wisdom. Unlike Ignazio and Gianluca, he was quicker to take on a more serious demeanour, partly inherent to his nature but maybe also because he was the oldest of the three. His furrowed brows conveyed the need to comprehend rather than just accept direction.

Stopping at a vacant bench on the pier, Marlow let it slip that she was glad she hadn't turned down this work assignment.

"You weren't going to take it?" Piero asked, resting his arm across the back of the bench and around Marlow's shoulder.

"No, but thankfully, the schedule gods made our schedules fit together perfectly. Also, I don't think Michele or Barbara were thrilled I was your replacement driver. Hopefully, I have proven myself to be competent and reliable."

"I had no clue they didn't like you," Piero confessed.

"I don't think it was a case of not liking me. I think it was because I didn't look old enough to be put in charge of driving clients around."

"That's true. It surprised me when you said you were 24. I figured you had to be at least 18 or 19, but I never would have guessed older than that."

"See, you're lucky," Marlow said, "with that scruff on your face, I think you look at least 30."

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