Fight Against Change (Chapter 20)

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"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Piero asked.

"Ummm...I don't know. I was so excited about going for a run with you that the rest of the day never crossed my mind. Why?"

"Well... I don't have any plans either, so I thought maybe you would like to take me on a private tour."

As Marlow's face lit up, he heard her answer, "I can do that."

Leaving the city limits and climbing in altitude, Piero asked, "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to one of my favourite places," she answered, excitement showing across her face. "However, before we get too far because cell service is sometimes sketchy there, you had best text and tell someone where you are going and that they may not be able to get in touch with you."

"Ooh, thanks," Piero answered.


Climbing farther away from the city's bustle, Piero happily listened as Marlow chattered non-stop about where she was taking him. Excited to have more relaxed fun with her, a thought popped into his mind; he would kiss her this afternoon if things went well. Feeling his phone vibrate, Piero pulled it out and took a quick glance. Throwing his head back on the headrest, he exhaled hard and cursed in Italian.

"What? Is something wrong?" Marlow asked, concerned by Piero's unexpected change in mood.

"Michele has called a meeting at 2:00."

"What does that mean?"

"I think it means we're leaving earlier than planned." Picking his phone back up, Piero started wildly texting. "I'm going to tell Michele I won't be back until later."

Reaching to stop him, Marlow pushed Piero's hand down to his lap.

"Piero, as much as I want to spend more time with you, we can't go."

"Yes, we can! I'll just tell them to have the meeting when I get back."

"No, we can't." Taking a quick scan of her surroundings so she would know where to turn around, Marlow added, "It is my responsibility to make sure you get to all of your commitments."

"But you're not working today."

"It doesn't matter. If you're needed elsewhere, then I need to take you back. If your manager calls my boss, I could really get in trouble."

"You won't. I'll explain that it was all my doing."

"Piero," Marlow said, her eyes focused on the traffic, "please don't send the message."

"Marlow, you won't get..." was all Piero said before Marlow cut him off.

"I'm taking you back."

Feeling his temper rise, Piero bit his bottom lip. He would not have held his tongue if it had been anyone else. Silently fuming, he deleted the message. Though he completely understood why she needed to take him back, what irritated him the most was that there was no discussion; she just decided they were done. Catching glimpses of Marlow looking over at him, Piero eventually locked eyes with her.

"This has been a tough morning emotionally for the two of us," she said. "I can see you're angry, and I am sure you're cussing me out in your head, but it's important to me that you keep your commitments. Piero..." Pulling on his forearm, Marlow made him unfold his arms. "If you're right about leaving early, then I will just have to count myself lucky to have gotten to know you and Il Volo this past week."

Get to know you and Il Volo. Had she just put him in the friend zone? It was apparent from her flirting that she was interested in him. However, with the threat of leaving earlier, it had to be that she was just protecting herself from becoming further attached. Friendship or protection, it didn't matter. This day was rapidly deteriorating from being great to the worst day ever.

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