Let's Run Away (Chapter 16)

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Walking up the driveway to Marlow's home, a nervous energy pulsed through Piero's body. Always looking forward to seeing Marlow; today was going to be different. He was about to spend time alone with her, and despite Ignazio's assurances that Marlow was interested, only she could confirm if it was true.

Staring at the double wood doors, Piero struggled to contain his emotions. He was excited for sure, but experience had pricked the back of his brain about the challenges of a long-distance relationship, and while he was willing and open to it, the question was, would Marlow feel the same?

Ringing the bell, he nervously wiped his hands down the front of his pants. Waiting for Marlow to answer, he peeked through the side panel window and caught a blurred glimpse of a shape approaching the door. Worried that he might be at the wrong home, Piero prepared to apologize to whoever answered the door.


"Hi. What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her face with both hands.

"It's almost 7:30."


"Yes. Are you still up for going for a run?"

"Ohh, yes. Come in, come in." Kissed on the cheek, Marlow mumbled, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the hallway mirror, Marlow hastily smoothed down her tousled hair and wiped the sleepiness from her eyes. Realizing she was still in her pyjamas, she darted for the stairs.

"Make yourself at home. I will be back down in five minutes, ten max," she hollered over her shoulder as she bounded up the stairs two steps at a time.

"No rush, take your time," Piero responded, though Marlow had already disappeared.

Surveying the comfortable living room, with its board and batten walls and rich leather furniture, Piero's attention was drawn to a photograph displayed on a floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelf. Admiring the photographer's skill in capturing an image of a much younger Marlow being playfully tickled by her mother brought a smile to his face as he remembered the countless times her infectious laughter brought him immense happiness, especially if he was the one responsible for causing it.

As he carefully placed the photo back on the shelf, his gaze wandered over to a stack of textbooks on a rectangular dining room table. Reading the many titles, a spark of urgency lit within him. She was relying on him to assist her in graduating.

"I'm just going to make my pre-run drink," Marlow said, startling Piero. "Would you like one?"

"Sure, what's in it?"

"A whole lot of deliciousness," she teased, pulling two baggies from the freezer.

Piero's gaze lingered on Marlow's figure, and he appreciated how the teal Lululemon cropped legging and white 'Just Do It' T-shirt showcased her incredible shape.

"You look great, by the way. So, what can I do to help?"

Marlow unintentionally scoffed and ran her hand across her stomach and thighs, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Uh, nothing. Just relax."

"Sorry, I can't do that."

As Marlow went to the cupboard to pull out some glasses, Piero took over watching the blender. After pouring the blended drink into both glasses, he took a whiff and exclaimed, "Yum. This smells really good."

"It is," Marlow answered confidently. "To a satisfying Saturday morning run," she toasted, tapping her glass against his.

Taking a sip of the berry smoothy, Piero looked at Marlow, who was eagerly waiting for his reaction. "This is very good. Thank you," he said appreciatively.

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