Green-Eyed Monster (Chapter 12)

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Acting had turned out to be a lot of fun, and once she relaxed, it was easy to forget about the multitude of people buzzing around, all doing their jobs. Plus, it helped that Ignazio continued to keep her distracted by cracking jokes and flat-out teasing her about pretty much anything. It helped, too, that Piero and Gianluca were on her side, offering praise, even if she messed up.

"I think this was my favourite part of the day," Marlow said, smiling as everyone strolled back to the sound stage.

"Why's that?" Laura asked, her arm linked with Piero's.

"Well, it was just so much fun goofing around, doing activities I'd normally do with my friends anyway."

"Very true, very true," everyone said in agreement.

Fed up with being in pain from the ill-fitting high heels, Marlow kicked them off and picked them up.

"What are you doing?" Piero asked.

"These heels are killing me."

Hustling back to join the others, she was unprepared for Piero to take her shoes from her. Passing them to Gianluca, he bent slightly forward and offered, "Hop on."

"That's OK. We're almost back."

"You can't walk barefooted," he insisted. "You could step on something and cut your foot. Then you would bleed all over everything, and we would have to shut down production to take you to the hospital. You could get an infection, and that would keep you from being able to drive us around for the rest of the week."

"I'll be fine. Besides, I don't think my skirt will allow me to hop onto your back without showing off more than I want."

"Gianluca, give Marlow your suit jacket," Piero said, snapping his fingers at his bandmate.

Once again, Marlow's shoes were involved in a game of hot potato. Slipping his jacket off, Gianluca held it open.

"We must always be respectful," he said in his smooth baritone voice.

"Put it on," Piero again insisted, his voice dropping in pitch.

Slipping her arms into the sleeves, Marlow looked down.

"Ahh, this won't work either. It's too short."

"Tie it around your waist," Becca offered.

Catching Laura smack Becca on the arm and hiss, "What are you doing?" Marlow shrugged Gianluca's jacket off and gave it back to him.

"Marlow!" Piero said, his voice tainted with annoyance. "You cannot walk in bare feet. It's not safe."

"Then give me back my shoes," Marlow argued back.

Everyone stood in awkward silence as Marlow and Piero stood their ground. Pressing a firm hand on Piero's shoulder and giving him a gentle push back, Ignazio switched her shoes for Gianluca's jacket. Speaking in an over-the-top, thick Sicilian accent, he snuggly tied the sleeves around her waist.

"Marlow, darling, you are notta going to win an argumenta with ahhh..." bringing his fingertips together for effect, "Sicilian. It'sa not going to happen." Continuing, his dimples grew deeper. "While I think it is so sweet that you don't want to make me jealous..."

"What?" Marlow said, her stubborn streak turning to amusement.

"Look," Ignazio said, pointing to Piero. "Look at my brother; he is so sad." Then, grasping Piero's jaw, Ignazio added, "He only wants to help you. So, as a favour to me, let him."

Watching as Piero played up Ignazio's words and pouted, pushing out his bottom lip, Marlow laughed and gave in.

"Nobody watch," she said, turning Piero back around. Hiking her skirt up to just below her butt cheeks and hopping onto Piero's back, she circled her arms around his neck. Lightly bounced, so she sat more comfortably, Piero glanced over his shoulder and asked, "We good?"

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