DS9. Julian Bashir - "Save the raktajino!"

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The fight broke out so quickly. You didn't even know who started it or why it started. All you knew was how it started: someone getting thrown across a nearby table at Quark's. Shortly after, there was a physical fight happening between at least half a dozen people.

You jumped to your feet, staring at the fight. "Y/L/N to Odo. There's a fight at Quark's. Requesting security."

"On our way," Odo replied through the com-badge.

Julian sighed. "Well, so much for our peaceful coffee before our shifts."

You smiled slightly at him. Then your eyes widened as two men—arms locked around one another—started stumbling towards the table. "Look out!" you exclaimed at Julian as you moved back from the table.

He looked over his shoulder and quickly leapt to his feet. He moved out of the way, going towards you.

Then you remembered something. "Save the raktajino!" you shouted.

Julian glanced at the two men briefly before diving back to the table to grab his cup. He moved back just in time for the men to crash into the table and send it tumbling to the floor with a bang.

You took Julian's sleeve and pulled him away from the action. "You okay?"

"Fine," he replied. He held up his mug and grinned at you. "Didn't even spill a drop."

You laughed and patted his shoulder in an admiring sort of way. "Good. I'd hate for you to lose your coffee. I know how cranky you can get without it."

"I do not get cranky," Julian defended, but he smiled because he knew you were right.

The two of you stayed at the edge of the bar as security came into the bar and took care of the fight. Once everyone involved was hauled out of Quark's, you and Julian went over to the table you had been sitting at and pulled it back to standing. You got your chairs and sat again.

"Now," you said, "Where were we?"

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