Voy. Kathryn Janeway - Here For You

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A/N: Mentions/descriptions of an injury to the leg

You pushed yourself into a seated position on the biobed with a grunt. Your muscles were stiff from lying in one position for so long. You stretched out your arms and sighed. As you tried to swing your legs off the edge, you gasped in pain. Your left leg—which had been severely injured—radiated with pain. You took in a deep breath as you waited for the pain to pass.

You didn't regret what you had done, even if it meant that you were in pain and hadn't been able to leave sickbay for days. The accident happened several days ago. Voyager was passing through a large nebula when the ship's systems started to act up. First it was just minor things—lights flickering, the replicators being unresponsive, and the computer getting some commands wrong. Then, things got worse. Conduits overloaded, systems got fried, and some of the bulkheads warped and fell off their hinges.

You and Janeway had been in her ready room sharing some hot coffee in the morning when the replicator started to overload. You had shoved Janeway out of the way and tried to jump away too, but you got hit by the blast. Your leg got most of the damage—several nerves were damaged, and the muscle was severely injured. You would do it again if it meant keeping Janeway safe, though.

"Y/N," The Doctor scolded as he left his office. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get up," you said through gritted teeth.

"I told you it'll take time for your leg to fully heal. You need to take it easy."

You sighed heavily, shoulders slumping. "Doc, I'm going crazy in here. I need to get up and do something."

He frowned. "I understand it's difficult to stay in one place for so long—believe me, I know. Before I got my mobile emitter, I felt like a trapped animal in here. But it's for your own good. If you put too much pressure on your leg, it could cause permanent damage."

You groaned. "I can't take this much longer."

He put his hand onto your shoulder. "Try to be patient. If your scans look good by the end of the day tomorrow, you can go to your quarters and we can start on your physical therapy."

Reluctantly, you nodded. The Doctor helped you back into bed and you lay back, staring at the ceiling as he ran more scans.

Later that day, the doors to sickbay opened. You were just waking up from a nap, and you turned your head towards the door.

Janeway smiled softly. "How are you feeling?"

You rubbed at your eyes. "Better physically. But—"

"But you're becoming bored out of your mind?" she offered, approaching your bed.

You smiled slightly. "Yeah, that."

She held out several PADDs to you. "The Doctor told me. I brought you some things that might keep you busy."

You sat up. You took the PADDs and looked them over eagerly. "What are they?"

"Two have scans of the nebula that I'd like you to help us analyze. One is a collection of famous Earth poetry, and the other is one of my favourite novels. I thought you might enjoy it."

Your smile widened. "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

Janeway dipped her head. "I know this mustn't be easy for you."

"It's worth it," you said. "You're safe."

A smile formed on Janeway's face. "I know I've said this already but thank you for doing what you did."

You nodded. "I'd do it again if I had to."

She put her hand over yours. "Let's try not to do that for a while, hm? There's only so much your body can handle."

You laughed softly. "Yeah, but we have the best doctor in the galaxy."

"Still." She paused, looking closely at you. "I hate seeing you in so much discomfort and pain."

"I'll be okay," you said.

She sighed and nodded.

The Doctor came into the room. "Ah, you're awake. I might need your help with some tasks around sickbay."

"Really?" you asked, eager to be doing anything but lying in bed.

The Doctor nodded. "I need my instruments sterilized. If I bring them over on a cart, can you sterilize them for me?"

"Yeah, of course," you said. You glanced at Janeway. "When do you need these reports done by?"

"By the end of the week is fine," she said. "Don't rush them. It sounds like you'll have lots to do."

You smiled softly and nodded.

"I'll come back and check on you later," Janeway said as she gave your forehead a soft kiss.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now