DS9. Kira Nerys - Christmas Lights

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You took in a deep breath as you neared the quarters you shared with Kira. It had been a long week, and you couldn't wait to just change into your pyjamas, have dinner, and cuddle up with your girlfriend. When you entered the room, your eyes widened and you gasped.

All across the top of the bulkheads in the main room were strings of multi-coloured Christmas lights, illuminating the otherwise dark room. On the coffee table sat a small artificial Christmas tree with more lights on it, these ones white, and a yellow star on top.

"Nerys?" you called out, unable to hide the astonishment in your voice.

Kira stepped out of the bedroom and smiled widely. "Hey. What do you think?"

"It's beautiful," you replied, turning around in circles as you took in all of the lights. "I just... why? When? How?"

She laughed softly and came over to you. "I was talking to Sisko earlier and he mentioned how it's the holiday season back on Earth. He explained to be how you, and many others, celebrate Christmas and that it's tradition this time of year to put up lights and other decorations. So I got Chief O'Brien to help me replicate some decorations, and he helped put them up too."

You smiled widely at her and held out your hand. She took it and you gave hers a gentle squeeze. "You didn't have to do all of this."

"I know. I wanted to," Kira replied, smiling back at you. "You celebrate Bajoran holidays with me, so it's only fair that I celebrate some Human ones with you. Besides, I have to admit that these lights are very pretty."

You kissed her softly on the lips. "Thank you. I love them. And I love you."

"I love you too." She looked around the room. "I wasn't sure what other decorations you'd want to put up, but I have a box of some more in the bedroom if you want to look through them."

You couldn't help but laugh lightly, an overwhelming sense of joy washing over you. "What else did you replicate?"

"There's a string of red bells, some more lights that I thought we could put up around the bed, and something called nut-crackers? Which just look like wooden figurines to me."

You smiled. "Yeah, supposedly they can crack nut shells in their jaws."

Kira shook her head. "Weird," she murmured, then she brought you to the bedroom.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, rushing over to the box. "I also replicated these giant socks that O'Brien told me about."

A giggle left your mouth. "Stockings?"

She nodded as she pulled out two stockings—one blue with a snowman and the other red with a reindeer. On the top of them had your names: Nerys on the blue one, and Y/N on the red one.

Tears welled in your eyes as you smiled widely. "Oh, Nerys. I love them."

Kira smiled at you and nodded. "I'm glad you like them. I spend ages debating which design to put on them."

You wrapped your arms around her and held her close. "They're prefect."

She put the stockings down on the bed and hugged your waist. "I can't wait to learn more about Christmas and spend it with you this year."

You nodded eagerly. "Me neither. I love you so much."

She kissed your cheek lightly, lips lingering on your skin. "I love you, too."

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