4.01 Lazarus Rising - part 1

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(Your POV)

I'm currently in an empty warehouse off some abandoned road, hunting an entire nest of vampires on my own. Hunting is the only thing that I have left right now. Dean, my older brother, was killed a few months ago and send to hell. When it happened, I did my best and helped Sam to try and find a way to bring Dean back, but we didn't find anything. No matter how hard we tried. Sam changed after that first month without Dean. He became much more distant from me and he went out hunting on his own more frequently, leaving me behind at Bobby's.

It's been over a month since I've actually seen him. Why would he and I go our separate ways, you may ask? Honestly, it wasn't my idea. It all happend when he became angry at me for suggesting we stopped looking for a way to bring Dean back. It's not that I didn't want my brother back, believe me I did and still do, but it seemed to consume Sam. It was all he thought about during hunts, he was starting to scare me a little. And that's hard to do. It was like my brother changed, became someone I couldn't even recognize anymore. I guess that's what grief does to people, it changes them.

After our fight, he left me at Bobby's and he hasn't contacted me since. That's why I'm currently hunting a whole vampire nest on my own. I know Dean would freak out if he heard I was doing this by myself, but I have to do something to get rid of my anger. Like I said, grief changes people, me included. 

I slowly walk into the warehouse, seeing two vamps talking to each other. There are three more sleeping nearby in hammocks. I grab my blade from my back pocket and look around the room. I slowly walk over to a nearby room, following one of the two vamps I saw earlier. I silently creep up behind him, making sure that I'm not making any sounds. When ì get close enough, I slice my blade in one swift movement, taking off the head of the vamp effortlessly. I catch the body of the now dead vamp, before it can make noise falling to the ground. I lay it down softly and then walk back to the main room, doing the same with the other awake vampire.

I do this with every vampire, except for one. The last one, unfortunately for me, wakes up in time. He grabs my arm and throws me harshly to the ground. He lunges at me, showing his fangs in anger. I fight back. I punch him in his face and stomach. He retaliates and punches me as well, which makes the blade I'm holding fly from my hand to the ground. 

Before I can run towards it, the vampire lunges at me again and pins me down to the ground. "Not smart to come alone sweetheart..." the vamp grins, while digging his long nails into my arms. His nails draw a little blood and I hiss in pain at the sting of it. I try to fight him off, but he's too strong. "She didn't." I then hear coming from behind the vamp, before his head flies off and to the ground. Behind where the vamps head used to be, I can now see an angry looking Bobby staring down at me. His brows creased in a big frown, making me innocently smile at him.

"Hi Bobby..." I say sheepishly. His unamused look remains while he pushes the vamps limp body from mine. I stand up and hear him sigh. "Are you idjits trying to get yourself killed?" he yells frustrated. "First Dean... then Sam who disappeared and is doing god knows what! And now you're making terrible decisions of going hunting alone!" he exclaims, making me frown.

"Hey! I was doing fine with the other 4..." I say defensively. "Until you weren't!" he says with the same frown, making me sigh and look away. "You're right... I just needed to let off some steam, Bobby... I miss him." I say sadly, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I hear Bobby sigh and he pulls me into a tight hug. "I know. But that doesn't mean you need to go kill yourself in the process." He says sadly, making me nod. He's right. 

"Thank you for looking out for me Bobby." I say. I pull away from the hug and smile softly up at him. "Someone has to." He then says, following me outside of the warehouse to my car. "How did you even know I was here anyway?" I ask confused, eyeing Bobby behind me with a frown. "You're not that good of a liar, y/n..." he says with a shrug of his shoulders. "When you said you were going to do some research at the library, I already knew you were talking out of your ass. You and Dean were never really the research types." He explains, making me nod again. "Thank you for knowing me that well, Bobby." I say with half a smile.

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