4.15 Death Takes a Holiday - part 1

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(Third POV)

Two men, Jim Jenkins and Pete Hensley, leave the bar, talking. "Okay, okay, now, come on, you tell me—now why kick that field goal?" Jim asks. "Because it's called football." Pete says. "No, it's called fantasy football, and those three points screwed me." Jim says. "Seriously, Jim, you need to get a life." Pete says, rolling his eyes.

Jim and Pete round the corner and are met by a young man. "Hey, guys, got any change?" the young man asks. "Sorry, pal." Jim says, shaking his head. The young man pulls out a gun and points it at Jim and Pete. "How about your wallets?" the young man asks again.

A bar employee at the Dumpster takes notice. "No problem." Pete says, grabbing his wallet from his coat. "Take it easy, all right?" Jim says, holding his hands up. "Just give me the wallets!" the young man yells. "Hold on, man." Jim says. The young man fires, hitting Jim in the heart. Jim falls.

"Jim!" Pete yells. The young man runs, and Pete drops to his knees next to Jim. "Jim! Jim!" Pete yells. Pete looks up at the employee. "Call 911! Now!" Pete yells at him. The employee runs. Pete does chest compressions, then breathes into Jim's mouth. "Come on." Pete says. Pete does more chest compressions, then goes to repeat the breaths. Jim suddenly inhales on his own.

"Hey." Jim says confused. "Don't move. Don't move, man." Pete says, helping Him sit up. "I feel okay." Jim says confused. Jim pulls open his shirt far enough to reveal the bullet hole, with powder marks but no blood. "You're not even bleeding." Pete says, confused as well. Jim looks up. "Give me a hand." Jim says. Pete helps Jim stand. "How you even alive right now?" Pete asks confused. "I don't know." Jim says.


Sam and I are seated at a table, Sam has his laptop open and is talking on the phone. I hadn't gone on the last hunt where they had killed a siren, wanting to clear my head a little. When I heard what had happened, I had been in shock. I had helped Bobby kill the thing, saving both my brothers in the process. Dean had told me about what Sam had said to him, and I understood why Dean was now mad at Sam. I couldn't believe Sam would say those things about not needing Dean or me... that we just slowed him sown. That had stung deep.

"No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird. ...Okay, Bobby, thanks." Sam says. Sam puts the phone away and Dean comes over. "What's up?" Dean asks, nodding at the phone in Sam's hand. "Bobby found something in Wyoming." Sam says. "A job?" I ask.

"Maybe." Sam says, typing on his computer. Dean bites into his burger, giving me a look behind Sam's back. "Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half." Sam says, making me frown. "That a bad thing?" I ask confused, seeing Sam frown at me.

"That so unusual?" Dean then asks. "Well, it's how they're not dying." Sam explains. "One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of hospice." Sam says again, making my eyes go wide. "Lucky bastard." I say. "Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch." Sam says again. "Capped in the ass?" Dean asks.

Sam's browser has two tabs open to the Greybull Gazette; the top tab has an article with the headline "Shooting victim walks away unharmed" and the subheading "Man miraculously survives after direct shot to heart". The first paragraph reads "Police and medical authorities are struggling for an explanation as to why local resident James Jenkins was able to walk away from a point-blank shooting incident. After leaving Bison Bud's Bar, Mr. Jenkins and friend Pete Hensley were confronted by a mugger in a nearby alley. After a brief altercation, the mugger fired a shot from a 9mm Automatic, hitting Jenkins [directly in the heart...]"

"Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point-blank range by a nine-millimeter." Sam says, making my eyes go wide again. Dean keeps eating, speaking with his mouth full. "And he's not a doughnut?" Dean asks jokingly. "Locals are saying it's a miracle." Sam says, making me scoff. "When is it ever a miracle?" I ask, shaking my head.

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