4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 1

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(Third POV)

A young girl is sitting in a hospital bed in a contemplative way like she's listening some distant whispering. "Anna? Do you know where you are? You're at the Connor Beverly Behavioral Medicine Center." The psychologist says. Anna looks at her hospital's wristband. "Do you know why you're here?" the psychologist asks again, making Anna shrug her shoulders.

"Do you remember what you did?" the psychologist asks, making Anna nod at her. "You were hysterical. It took four people to restrain you." The psychologist explains. "I was trying to warn them." Anna says. "Warn who?" the psychologist asks. "Everyone. Forget it. It was stupid." Anna says.

"What were you trying to warn them about?" the psychologist asks again. "Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true." Anna says. "It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen." The psychologist says. "The end... is coming. The apocalypse." Anna says again. "The apocalypse. Like in the Bible?" the psychologist asks, frowning.

"Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em." Anna says. She turns her head and listens to a distant whispering.

"Anna?" the psychologist asks. "Sorry." Anna says. "What were you doing?" the psychologist asks. "Nothing. Just listening." Anna says. "So, you were saying that there are, uh, 66 of these seals in the world?" the psychologist asks again.

"No. No. There are about 600 possible seals, and Lilith only has to break 66 of them, and no one knows which 66 she's gonna break." Anna exclaims. "I see." The psychologist says, nodding. "That's why it's nearly impossible to stop her. And that's why the angels are losing. That's why we're all gonna die." Anna says frowning. After the psychologist had left, A hospital attendant enters Anna's room. "Time for your meds, Anna. Anna?" the attendant asks. Anna turns around and looks horrified when she notices the attendant.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" the attendant asks. "Your face -- what happened to your face?" Anna asks with worry. "I know." The attendant says. The Attendant's eyes turn black, revealing he's possessed by a demon. "I'm downright kissable. Shh." He says. Anna uses her mind to push a chest of drawers against the Attendant and knock him unconscious, running out of the room.


Dean, Sam and I are in a bar, me sitting at one of the tables. I look over and see Sam acting drunk, trying to hustle a guy out of money with playing pool. I roll my eyes at the scene and down my beer. When I hit the bottle back on the table, I can hear the music in the bar stop. I look around, hearing no noises anymore.

I see people moving their mouths, but I can't hear a thing. I stand up slowly, seeing Sam and Dean still at the pool table, talking to the guy. Suddenly, I hear white noise coming from one of the speaker boxes on the wall. I slowly walk over to it, hearing growing whispers. My eyes are fixed on the soundbox with every step I take towards it.

When I get next to it, I can hear the voice clearer. "Help... Someone please help me." I hear a woman say, making me put my ear next to the speaker. "Help. Please I need help." I can hear the woman say again, her voice a little distorted with the white noise. I frown at this, my eyes widening with fear. "Hello?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes. "Hello?" I hear the voice ask back, making me jump back from the speaker in fear.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, seeing Sam and Dean looking at me. The white noise immediately goes away and all the other noises return. "Y/n?" Dean asks, looking at me with worry. A small tear falls from my eye. "I..." I say, looking back at the speaker behind me and then back at my brothers.

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