4.13 After School Special - part 3

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(Your POV)

Sam is in the back of the bus with an EMF meter. I'm looking in the middle and Dean is up front, searching for some clue of the ghost. "Definitely ain't clean." Sam says when his EMF meter goes off repeatedly.

"Here, ghosty, ghosty, ghosty! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Dean says, making me roll my eyes and laugh. "Man, I don't get it. No one ever died on this bus, and it's not like there's a body hidden in here." I say, looking under the seats with frustration.

"Yeah, but a flap of skin, a hair, I mean, hell, a hangnail -- something's got to be tying the ghost to this place. We just got to find it." Dean explains. I suddenly spot a few very old chewing gums stuck to the seats, making me gag. "Well except for violations of obvious health code regulations, this bus is clean." I say, standing up from the spot I was looking.

"Yeah..." Sam says, scrunching his face in disgust. "Got a new driving permit. Issued two weeks ago." Dean says, looking through some papers at the front of the bus. "Just before the first attack." I say, walking over to him. "Yeah. Name of the bus driver is Dirk McGregor Sr., 39 North Central Avenue." Dean says.

"McGregor?" Sam asks, making me frown at him. "Yeah. Why?" Dean asks confused. "I knew his son." Sam says. "Did you know everybody at this school?" Dean asks confused.


(Third POV) Flashback

School is letting out and Dirk pushes Barry down. "Got to watch where you're going, man." Dirk says with a smile. "Leave him alone, Dirk." Young Sam says. "You never learn, do you, midget?" Dirk says annoyed.

"Get to the bus, Barry." Young Sam says. Barry runs off, and Dirk pushes down young Sam. "What's the matter? You scared? Don't worry. I'll go easy on you this time. Come on, Lose-chester. Let's see what you got. Come on, freak! Freak!" Dirk starts yelling, making a small group gather around them.

Young Sam gets up and starts fighting with Dirk. Young Sam is clearly the better fighter, connecting with hard punches, while Dirk swings at the air. He then knocks Dirk down. "You're not tough. You're just a jerk. 'Dirk the jerk'." Young Sam says laughing. Kids in the crowd pick up the chant, saying "Dirk the jerk", "That's pretty good". Then the crowd start chanting "Dirk the jerk" while Dirk runs off.


Y/n is having lunch with Liam, they have grown close in the small time they have spent together. "It's weird... you really seem to get me, when you don't even know me." Young Y/n says to Liam, who smiles at her in response. "I think I do know you. You seem like a confident girl on the outside but crave affirmation on the inside. You're afraid to show your true self, thinking you might scare the other person off. And because you told me you move around a lot, I think you crave stability with someone else than your immediate family... How am I doing so far?" Liam asks her with a smile.

"Actually? Right on point..." Young Y/n says sadly. "You know how I know this about you? Why I can see the true you underneath?" Liam asks, making Y/n nod. "Because I'm the same way. Before this school, I have moved 3 times with my family, always having to start over again in a new town... it makes you crave connections that go beyond your family, since that's all you've ever known." Liam says.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Young Y/n says sadly. "I wish I could be a constant in your life Liam, but it's just not realistic... my dad is coming back in a couple of days max, and I don't want to hurt you when I need to leave again." Young Y/n says, frowning at Liam. "What are phones for?" Liam asks her, making her laugh.

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