4.19 Jump the Shark - part 1

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(Third POV)

Next to a window is a table with a lamp and two photographs; one is of a young man and a woman, Adam and Kate Milligan. Kate herself runs into the table, looking back fearfully. She shrieks and runs down the hallway. She looks back and keeps running. "No! Go away!" Kate yells.

Kate gets into her bedroom and locks the door behind her. Kate, who is wearing a coat over blue scrubs, leans against the door as someone pounds on it. The pounding abruptly stops. Kate waits a moment, breathing hard, and shoves the dresser in front of the door. She relaxes a bit, walking backward towards her bed. She sits on the bed, still breathing hard.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, god. It's okay. It's okay." Kate says to herself. Kate yells when someone grabs her by the ankle and pulls her, dragging her onto the floor. She gets dragged under the bed, making her scream and grab at the floor. Kate grabs the nightstand right before she goes under, knocking it over and knocking a picture onto the floor: it's of John Winchester.


(Your POV)

The Impala is parked next to a lake. Sam is leaning against the hood, brushing his teeth. Dean is lying across the front seat, head and shoulders up against the door. Dean twists around, getting my attention, and I open the door, which nearly dumps him on the ground. "Hey. How'd you sleep?" I ask with a smile.

Dean climbs out of the car. "How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast." Dean says. "Where? We're like two hours from anything." Sam says. "But I'm hungry now." Dean says with a sad look. Dean comes around to the front of the car. "There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat." I say, thinking about the sandwich I hadn't eaten yesterday.

Dean turns around, rubbing a hand over his face, and reaches in through the open back window, pulling out a paper bag. He opens the bag and sniffs, then leans his head back and inhales. "It's tuna." He says, making me shrug. "So?" I ask, seeing him scrunch his face at me.

Suddenly a phone rings inside the car. Dean tosses the bag back into the back seat and puts his hands to his jean's pockets. Sam spits out toothpaste foam.

I lean in through the front window and rummage in the glove compartment, pulling out the ringing phone. I hit my head on the roof as I try to get out. I see Dean smirking at me and I roll my eyes at him, before eyeing the phone with a frown. "Isn't that Dad's phone?" Sam asks.

I flip the phone open, press a button, and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I ask confused. "Uh, is this John?" a guy asks confused, making me frown. "Do I sound like a man?" I ask offended. "He can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" I then ask. "No no no—I really—I need to talk to John. This is Adam Milligan. He knows me." Adam says, making me frown.

"Well, sorry to be the one to break this to you, Adam, but John died more than two years ago." I explain, seeing both brothers look at me. "Who is this?" I ask confused. "I'm his son." Adam says, making me frown at the phone.


We park the Impala next to Cousin Oliver's Hilltop Cafe. Dean, Sam and I get out of the car. "Guys, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real." Sam says, making me frown. Dean unlocks and opens the trunk, then the weapons box. Sam reads from a paper in an open folder. "Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout." Sam reads. Dean pulls assorted weapons out of the trunk, including Ruby's knife.

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