4.19 Jump the Shark - part 3

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(Your POV)

Adam is practicing disassembling a gun, while Sam cleans a shotgun. I was sitting on one of the beds, still unsure about the whole situation. I didn't like going behind Dean's back like this, and I was surprised that Sam did it with ease. "Sam, YN...how did Dad really die?" Adam asks, making me look away from him.

"Demon." Sam explains, making me give him a disapproving look. "You hunted it down? Got revenge?" Adam asks. "Dean killed it." I say, sighing heavily. "So it's over for you." Adam asks, making me shrug. "It's never over." Sam says, making me frown at him. Sure I had still anger for what happened to mom and Dad, but killing Azazel had been the end of it for me.

The lights go out and I hear something rattling. "Do you hear that?" I ask confused, seeing both brothers nod at me. "What the—" Adam says, looking around. "Shh." Sam immediately shushed him. "Stay here." Sam says to the both of us. He loads the shotgun, approaching the door.

He opens the door and looks around, aiming the shotgun in whichever direction he's looking, but sees nothing. A noise behind us makes him turn and aim in its general direction. There's a vent near the ceiling and Sam aims at that. "It's in the vents. Go!" Sam yells. Sam fires at the vent, then hustles Adam and me out of the room, following right behind us.

We hurry down the stairs. "Where's your car?" I yell ask at Adam, knowing that Dean took our car. "Over here." Adam says, pointing in a direction. We run over to the car and stop next to it. "All right, keys." Sam says. "Here." Adam says, handing him the keys.

I head for the passenger side of his truck, Sam for the driver's side and Adam takes the back seat. While I fumble with the car door, something grabs my ankle, yanking me to the ground and under the truck. I grab the truck to resist.

"Y/n!" Sam yells, running to my side and trying to pull at me. "Sam?!" I yell, feeling whatever was pulling at me, pulling even harder. I slip out of his hand and feel myself be pulled underground. "Y/n!" I hear Dean yell, before the monster put something in front of my face, making me pass out.


(Third POV)

Adam's truck backs out of the space. He'd parked right over a sewer grate, which is half open. Dean gets out of the truck and approaches the grate, aiming the shotgun. There's blood on the edge. Dean gets up and looks at Sam, who is leaning on the hood of the Impala.

"there's blood... did anyone see what took Y/n?" Dean asks, making Sam and Adam shake their heads. "I didn't get a good look." Sam says. "Maybe we should go in there... Y/n can't be far." Dean says, walking over to the grate again. "I don't think that's such a good idea... Whatever it is, could move from the vents to the grate in seconds... I don't think she's down there anymore." Adam says, making Dean frown at him.

"This is our sister! We're going to check!" Dean yells, making Sam walk over to him and hold him back. "Dean I get it, you know I do. But the best thing to do is find out what we're up against so we can find and save Y/n." Sam says. "We should at least try to go after it!" Dean says in disbelief. "In that maze? That thing's long gone Dean." Sam says, shrugging his shoulders a little sadly.

"All right, so, we don't know what it is, but we do know who it's going after. Joe Barton, Adam's mom—" Sam says. "And probably Adam. Maybe taking Y/n was a mistake...It was under his truck, just waiting for him." Dean explains, making Sam nod. "It set a trap, and we walked right into it." Sam says sighing.

"Doesn't matter. You're right—there's a pattern. Joe Barton was a cop. I'm pretty sure he helped out Dad. So we've got him, Dad's girl, his son, and now Y/n." Dean says. "All the people Dad knew." Sam says with wide eyes. "At least we know why it's back." Dean says. "It wants revenge." Adam says, making both brothers look over at him.

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