4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - part 2

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(Your POV)

After finding out that Tracy had lied about Knowing the Wallace household, we decided to go and ask some more questions to one of her teachers. We walk into the art room, seeing a dozen of creepy masks hanging on a thread. I look over and see that Dean is looking at them intently.

"Bring back memories?" Sam asks, making Dean visibly frown. "What do you mean?" he asks nervously. "Being a teenager, all that angst." Sam says. I see Dean sighing and then nodding. "What'd you think I meant?" Sam asks confused, looking at Dean and then at me. "Nothing." Dean says.

"Now that brings back memories." He says again, pointing to a guy who is putting a big bong-shaped piece into a kiln. "Dude, I need a bigger kiln." The guy says. "Are you three here to talk to me?" A teacher asks, coming from around the corner and looking at us expectantly.

"Ah, Mr. Harding." I say, seeing him smile at me. "Oh, please, Don." He says, winking at me." Okay, Don." I say. He reaches for my hand and I shake it, suddenly an uneasy feeling washes over me. I try to conceal it by smiling at him. When I let go of the hand, the feeling disappears.

Dean suddenly clears his throat, eyeing Don and me. Don then shakes both Sam and Dean's hands, before speaking again. "Even my students call me Don." He says, smiling back at me. "Yeah, we get it, Don." Dean says annoyed.

Dean, Sam and I pull out our badges, making his eyes go wide. "I'm agent Getty, these are Agent Monroe and Agent Lee." Dean says. "Wow, you really are the most beautiful Agent I've ever met." Don says to me, making me slightly blush. "I know, I get that all the time." Dean says, making him look back at him.

"Now... We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis." He continues. "Uh, yeah, Tracy, uh, bright kid, loads of talent. It's a shame she got suspended." Don answers, frowning at Dean. "Uh, you two had a... uh, violent altercation." I ask, seeing him nod.

"Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadn't walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out." Don explains. "Why?" Sam asks. "I, uh, you know, I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing." Don says, making Dean frown.

"More disturbing, than, uh, those guys?" Dean says, pointing at the masks. "She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols, and then there were the drawings." Don says, making me frown as well. "Detailed images of killings, gory, primitive, and she would depict herself in the middle of them, participating." Don explains again.

"Symbols, what kind of symbols? Uh, anything like this?" Sam asks. He shows Don a small bag with the silver Celtic coin in it. "Yeah, yeah, I think that might have been one of them." Don says, shrugging.

"You know where Tracy is now?" Dean asks. "I would imagine her apartment." Don says frowning at us. "Her apartment?" I ask confused. "Yeah, she got here about a year ago, alone, as I understood it, as an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like." He says, making me nod.

"Thank you for the information Don." Dean says, turning to leave. "Wait" he says, making us turn back to him. "I rarely do this, but uhm, could I have your phone number?" Don asks me, making my eyes go wide at the request. "You know... for if some more information comes to mind." He says winking at me.

"That's ok, I'll give you mine." Dean says, giving him his 'business' card. "Oh, ok." Don says, frowning at the card. "Bye now." Dean says, pulling me with him out of the room.


Dean drives up to the motel and parks the car, we had been trying to locate Tracy but had no luck. Sam had been looking for her as well, he is now walking towards the car to us. "So?" I ask him. "Tracy was nowhere I could find. Any luck with her friends?" he asks us, making me shake my head.

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