4.15 Death Takes a Holiday - part 2

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(Third POV)

Sam, Y/n and Dean walk along the street, looking around. Everything is still shaded blue. A car goes past. A Jogger goes right through Sam without noticing. Dean laughs, watching her go. Dean turns back to Sam and Y/n with a smile. "That was wild." Dean says.

Sam looks at him, incredulous. Dean sticks his arm into Sam's chest up to the elbow. Sam looks down at it, then up at Dean, face stony. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Dean asks jokingly. "Get out of me." Sam exclaims. "Guys, cut it out will you? We have work to do." Y/n says, rolling her eyes at the two brothers. Dean pulls his arm back. "You're such a prude. Come on." Dean says, making Y/n and Sam follow him closely behind.


Dean, Y/n and Sam cross the street. Their breath is visible in the cold. "Oh, man, we've been spooking this town for hours. No demons, no black smoke. I say we hit Victoria's Secret and get our peep on, huh?" Dean says, making Y/n gag at him. "Gross Dean." She says, looking up at a window and stopping dead in her tracks. "What's wrong?" Sam asks, looking back at her, making Dean stop as well.

"Three o'clock. Kid in the window." She says. Dean and Sam look up. The kid is looking out an upstairs window at them. It's the same face from the obituary photo earlier: Cole Griffith. "Am I crazy or is he looking at us?" Y/n asks confused. "It's 'cause we've seen him before." Dean says. "We have?" Sam asks confused as well. "Newspaper. Cole Griffith, the last person to die in this town." Dean says. Cole flickers and vanishes. Dean, Y/n and Sam look at each other in surprise.


Mrs. Griffith opens the door and comes in, looking around. "Cole?" Mrs. Griffith asks. She wraps her bathrobe tighter. "It's Mom. Your dad thinks I'm crazy. Are you here? A picture frame fell over. I could have sworn it was you, baby. Are you still here with me?" Mrs. Griffith asks sadly.

A soccer ball is sitting on the dresser. It starts spinning, making Mrs. Griffith stare at it. The ball flies past her and bounces off the door. she puts her hands to her head. "Oh, my god!" she screams through sobs. She leaves the room, going through Y/n, Dean and Sam. Cole is standing by the dresser and he throws more balls.

"Stop! How are you doing that?" Y/n asks. "Who are you?" Cole asks confused, looking at them with wide eyes. "Relax, Cole. It's okay." Sam says, making Cole's head snap towards him. "How do you know my name?" Cole asks again. "Look, this isn't gonna be easy to hear, but...you're—dead. You're a spirit. Us too." Y/n says, pointing at her two brothers behind her. "Yeah, thanks, Haley Joel. I know I'm dead. What do you want?" Cole asks, making Y/n mutter 'rude'. "We just want to talk." Sam says again. "About what?" Cole asks frowning.


Mrs. Griffith pours herself a glass of vodka and takes a sip. Cole is leaning on the wall watching her. Dean, Y/n and Sam are sitting at the dining room table watching him. "I was outside all morning." Cole says, turning around. "They tell you to be careful when it's cold." Cole says. "Cold air can cause an asthma attack?" Y/n asks confused, making Cole nod at her.

"But then I was in my room. It happened so fast. I called out for my mom, but nothing came out. Everything started spinning, and then I was just standing there, looking down at my body." Cole says sadly, leaning on the table. "And that's when you saw the man?" Sam asks, making Cole nod.

"Creepy old guy in a black suit. He wanted me to go with him, but..." Cole says, looking over at his mother. "I didn't want to go." Cole continues. "Reaper." Y/n whispers. "How'd you get rid of him?" Sam asks confused. "I didn't. The black smoke did." Cole says, shrugging his shoulders. "Black smoke?" Dean immediately asks, looking back at Y/n and Sam.

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