4.16 On the Head of a Pin - part 2

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(Third POV)

Alastair spits out blood and holy water. "You're just not getting deep enough. Well, you lack the resources. Reality is just, I don't know, too concrete up here. Honestly, Dean..." Alastair says mockingly. Dean pours salt into another container.

"You have no idea how bad it really was, and what you really did for us." Alastair says with a smile. "Shut up." Dean whispers, closing his eyes for a moment. "The whole bloody thing, Dean. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place." Alastair says, making Dean roll his eyes. "Well, then I'll just make you shut up." Dean says, grabbing Alastair's chin.

"Lilith really—" Alastair begins, but stops when Dean pours salt into his mouth, making him want to Scream from the pain. When Dean stops, Alastair spits out the blood in his mouth and tries to breathe. "Something caught in my throat. I think it's my throat." Alastair says.

"Well, strap in, 'cause I'm just starting to have fun." Dean says with a fake smile, walking back to his cart. "You know, it was supposed to be your father." Alastair says. Dean pours out more holy water. "He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end, it was you." Alastair says again.

"Bring what on?" Dean asks confused. "Oh, every night, the same offer, remember? Same as your father." Alastair explains. Dean shakes salt onto the blade of Ruby's knife.

"And finally you said, 'Sign me up.' Oh, the first time you picked up my razor, the first time you sliced into that weeping bitch..." Alastair says, making Dean turn to face him. "That was the first seal." Alastair says with a smirk. Dean walks over closer to him.

"You're lying." Dean says with a smile. "And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break. This spilled blood shall make the weapon rise, to stand by the winning side and she shall guide them to victory. You know her by the name of Y/n." Alastair says smiling, making Dean turn away from him.

"We had to break the first seal before any others. Only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Topple the one at the front of the line." Alastair says. Shock and horror is evident on Dean's face. "When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, when Y/n aids us to victory, we'll owe it all to you, Dean Winchester." Alastair exclaims.

Dean closes his eyes, trying not to react. "Believe me, son, I wouldn't lie about this. It's kind of a religious sort of thing with me." Alastair says. Alastair notices the dripping faucet and the broken edge of the devil's trap.

"No. I don't think you are lying. But even if the demons do win..." Dean says, looking at Ruby's knife. "You won't be there to see it." he says, turning around. Alastair is right behind him, out of the chains. "You should talk to your plumber about the pipes." Alastair says with a grin. Alastair punches Dean, who goes down.


(Your POV)

I'm leaning my head against the wall behind me and I can see that Castiel is still staring at me through my peripheral vision. I frown and look over at him. "Can you stop staring?" I ask, making him look at the ground. "I just want to apologize, for earlier." He says, making me shrug my shoulders.

"You're just following orders... it was wrong of me to believe that you could be different... I guess that's my mistake." I say, looking away again. "I am different... Y/n, I don't like this." He says, making me look back at him. I see the sadness behind his eyes and sigh. "Look..." I begin, but suddenly stop.

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