4.19 Jump the Shark - part 2

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(Your POV)

Dean holds a framed picture of Adam and John, He is wearing a baseball cap. I look at the picture over Dean's shoulder. "He took you to a baseball game?" Dean asks in disbelief. "Yeah, when I turned fourteen. Dad was around for a few of my birthdays." Adam says with a smile. "September twenty-ninth, two thousand four. One word. 'Minnesota.'" Sam reads from the journal.

"He took you to a freakin' baseball game?" Dean scoffs again. "Yeah. Why? What'd Dad do with you on your birthday?" Adam asks, taking the picture out of Dean's hands. "Oh..." Dean says with a fake smile. "Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing." I say, making him nod at me.

"Yeah." Adam says. "How long has she been gone?" Sam asks. "Three days." Adam says. "Who was the last person to see her?" I ask again, frowning at him. "Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday." Adam says with a sad smile. I see another picture, this one of John hugging a woman. The woman who I presume to be Kate, resembles Mary, making me roll my eyes.

"Did you call the police?" Sam asks. "Mom's supervisor at the hospital did. And then I drove down here as fast as I could." Adam says. "I should have been here." Adam says, making me look at him sadly. "What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say?" Dean asks. "That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything." Adam says. "She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know?" Adam says sighing heavily.

Dean, Adam and i walk upstairs towards Kate's bedroom. I shift Kate's dresser. Seeing nothing behind it, I shift it back. There are more pictures on the dresser, one of Kate, John, and a younger Adam, and one of Kate and a very small Adam. "The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. Was there anything else?" I ask.

"Oh, not really. The sheriff said there's no sign of a break-in." Adam says. "What, you think the cops missed something?" Adam asks, eyeing Dean. "Maybe. Yeah. They don't have my eyes." Dean says with a smirk. "You're a mechanic." Adam says in disbelief. "Yeah. That's right." Dean says.

"Y/n, what else can you tell me about Dad?" Adam asks me, looking over at me. Before I could respond, Dean interrupts me. "You knew him." He says with a shrug. "Not as well as you three." Adam says. "Trust me, kid, you don't want to know." Dean says again. Sam appears at the door, holding up a handful of papers. "Give us a minute." Dean says to Adam, motioning for me to follow him.

We walk out in the hallway, Sam was standing there with some papers in his hands. "You talk to the cops?" Dean asks Sam, making him nod. "Yeah. Like Adam said, no leads on his mom." Sam says, making me roll my eyes. "Shocker there." I mutter. "But I did find this." Sam says. He goes through papers till he finds a copy of the Windom Gazette dated January 9, 1990. The headline is 'Missing Bodies Found' and the subtitle 'Seventeen bodies recovered from abandoned shed'.

"Um...here. In nineteen ninety, there were seventeen grave robberies in Windom." Sam explains. "You think that's why Dad came through here?" I ask him. "I'd say so. Check it out." Sam says. He points at the photo accompanying the article. Dean and I take a closer look. John is standing in the background of the photo.

"All right, so he was hunting something. What?" Dean asks confused. "No idea. Those were the pages he threw out of the journal. But last month, the corpse snatching started up again. Three bodies from the local cemetery." Sam explains. "So whatever he was after, he didn't kill it. It's back." I say, furrowing my brows.

"And, what, it's stepped up its game to fresh meat? I mean, Kate's missing, and, uh—" Sam begins. He goes to the next paper. This one's a copy of a photo of a man in large black glasses, Joe Barton. "So is a local bartender—a guy named Joe Barton." Sam says, showing us the article.

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