4.22 Lucifer Rising - part 2

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I wrote this last chapter while listening to this song. Feel free to listen to it while reading if you want. Otherwise, just ignore this song. 

(Third POV)

Dean is frustrated. He pokes at one of the numerous figurines on one of the many mantlepieces and tips it deliberately to the ground. It shatters with a crash just as Castiel appears behind him. He turns around, looking slightly guilty.

"You asked to see me?" Castiel asks, frowning at the broken figurine. "Yeah, listen, I, uh, I-I need something." Dean says, clearing his throat. "Anything you wish." Castiel says. "I need you to take me to see Sam." Dean says, making Castiel's head tilt.

"Why?" Castiel asks. "There's something I got to talk to him about." Dean says, making Castiel frown. "What's that?" Castiel asks. "The B.M. I took this morning. What's it to you? Just make it snappy." Dean says annoyed. "I don't think that's wise." Castiel counters.

"Well, I didn't ask you for your opinion." Dean says. "Have you forgotten what happened the last time you met?" Catsiel asks, making Dean sigh. "No. That's the whole point. Listen, I'm gonna do whatever you mooks want, okay? I just need to tie up this one thing. Five minutes -- that's all I need." Dean says.

"No." Castiel says, making Dean's eyebrows shoot up. "Ok... then take me to Y/n... to make sure she's ok." Dean says, making Castiel sigh. "No." he says again, making Dean frown. "What do you mean, no? Are you saying that I'm trapped here?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"You can go wherever you want." Castiel says, making Dean scoff. "Super. I want to go see Sam or Y/n." Dean says, making Castiel shake his head. "Except there." Castiel says. "I want to take a walk." Dean then says, making Castiel nod.

"Fine. I'll go with you." Castiel says. "Alone." Dean says frowning. "No." Catsiel says again. "You know what? Screw this noise. I'm out of here." Dean says, heading for the door. "Through what door?" Castiel asks. Dean turns to face him, frowning. When he turns back, the door has been replaced by a smooth wall. He turns back to face Castiel, who has also disappeared. "Damn it." Dean mutters.


Ruby is driving. Sam is in the passenger seat staring at his cell phone, which displays '1 new voicemail from: Dean'. He isn't playing it. Cindy screams in the trunk. "What are you -- a 12-year-old girl? Just play it already." Ruby says, rolling her eyes.

"Mind your own business." Sam says to her annoyed. "Let me out! Let me out!" Cindy yells, thumping on the roof of the trunk. "God, I wish she would just shut up." Sam says. "Well, that can be arranged." Ruby says, which makes Sam glare at her.

"I don't get it. All the demons you cut with the knife -- what do you think happens to the host? How is this any different?" Ruby asks confused. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Sam asks in disbelief. "I know that you're having a tough time here, Sam, but we're in the final lap here. Now is not the time to grow a persqueeter." Ruby says.

"Would you drop the friggin' attitude? I'm about to bleed and drink an innocent woman. While she watches." Sam says. "And save the world as a result." Ruby counters. "I don't know. I-I just... I'm starting to think... maybe Dean was right." Sam says. "About what?" Ruby asks nervously. "About everything." Sam states. "We're gonna see this through, right, Sam? Sam?" Ruby asks nervously. "Let me out! Let me out!" Cindy keeps screaming and thumping on the roof of the trunk.

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