4.11 Family Remains - part 2

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(Your POV)

"Buster! Buster? Buster! Buster!" Brain yells when he runs outside. Ted, Dean and I follow him closely, leaving Sam to watch over to family inside the house. "What the hell?" Ted then says, pointing to the house wall. The words 'TOO LATE' are painted in red and the others come out onto the porch as well.

I look over at Sam, who shrugs his shoulders at the family who doesn't seem to want to listen. "Buster!" Danny yells when he sees the dead dog. "Go back inside. Go!" Brain yells, but they didn't move. Sam walks over to where Dean and I are standing.

"We are not the bad guys, but you're in danger." I say to Brian, who is eyeing me suspiciously. "First thing's first. You got to get your family out of here." I say again. "Head to the motel I was talking about. You'll be safe there." Dean chimes in, making me nod.

"What are you three gonna do?" Brain asks us. Dean walks over to his car and begins shouting profanities. "Oh, no! Oh, come on! Oh, come on!" he yells. The tires on the vehicles are all slashed. Sam goes to check the trunk of the car and looks up at us with worry. "The guns are gone. So is the... Basically, everything is gone." Sam says, making me frown.

"Truck's no good." Ted then says. "Both tires slashed." Brain explains. "Guys... something's not right about this." I say. "Yeah I mean, what kind of ghost messes with a man's wheels?!" Dean asks in disbelief of the situation. "She's there! She's there!" Kate suddenly screams, pointing at a spot in the woods.

"Where?!" Susan asks confused. "She was right there in the woods!" Kate exclaims again, making me frown. "What's a ghost doing outside?" I ask confused. "You want to stay and find out?" Sam asks, making me shake my head. "Everybody inside." Dean yells.

"Are you crazy? We need to get the hell out of here!" Ted then yells in disbelief. "In what?! This ghost is hunting us! Everybody back inside now! Move!" Dean yells, making everyone enter the house again.

We all gather in the living room and Dean draws a circle with salt. We all go stand inside it. "Whatever's outside, it can't get in this circle. As long as the salt line is unbroken, this is the safest place to be." Dean explains, making me nod. "Safe from ghosts?" Brian asks confused. "Yes, as a matter of fact." I say.

"Okay. I'm not listening to this anymore. Come on. I got to get my family out of here. Let's go." Brain says, making me roll my eyes. "Nobody's going anywhere until we kill this thing." I say immediately, holding Brain back. "Sir, please. This is what we do. Just...trust us." Sam tries. "You hunt ghosts?" Danny asks excited. "That's right." Dean says, nodding proudly.

"Like Scooby-Doo?" Danny asks again, making me smile. "Better." Dean answers. "You saw her outside, right? Okay. Does she look like either one of the girls?" Sam asks, pulling out a photograph and showing it to Kate. "Her. She was paler and a lot dirtier, but that was her." Kate says. "That's the girl in the walls." Danny says, looking at the photo again.

"So it's the daughter?" I ask confused. "That girl in the picture—She-She's dead?" Susan asks. "She killed herself inside this house." Sam explains. "So, what. The maid got her story wrong? Rebecca wasn't cremated?" Dean asks confused, making me shrug my shoulders. "Maybe... I still have a weird feeling about this... like it's not what we think it is." I say, making Dean frown at me. "Like what?" Dean asks confused. "Dean, I don't know..." I say again.

"Maybe her spirit is just attached to something inside the house." Sam suggests. "She hung herself in the attic, right?" Dean asks. "You two want to babysit? I'll check it out." Sam asks. "Look—I don't care who hung themselves where. Maybe something is going on here, but—" Ted says, making me roll my eyes again. "It's a spirit, man." I say, seeing him scoff at me.

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