4.11 Family Remains - part 1

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(Third POV)

A man, Bill Gibson, is having dinner while watching TV. "Following the Civil War, the eyes of the nation turned to the West, where outposts like Fort Bellows served as—" the Tv says. Suddenly the lights go out. "Aw, come on. Crap." Bill says. Bill tries to open the door, but it's locked. "What the hell?! Man." Bill says. A closet door opens, and a ghostly girl comes out. "You? I-It's impossible. Just stay away from me! Just stay away from me!" Bill yells. The girl attacks and kills Bill.

(Your POV)

I'm watching Dean from the backseat of the impala, seeing him look through some papers. Sam then wakes up from the seat next to him, eyeing Dean suspiciously. He looks over at me and I sigh at him.

"What are you doing?" Sam then asks, looking over at Dean. "What's it look like I'm doing?" Dean asks. "Like you're looking for a job." I say tiredly. "Yahtzee." Dean says, making me roll my eyes at him. "We just finished a job like two hours ago" Sam exclaims in disbelief.

"Adrenaline's still pumping, I guess. So, what do you guys think... Cedar Rapids, Tulsa, or Chi-Town?" Dean asks us. I look over at Sam and see worry mirroring mine on his face. "I am all for working. I really am. But you got us chasing cases nonstop for like a month now. We need sleep." Sam says, making me nod.

"Yeah, we can sleep when we're dead." Dean says. "You're exhausted, Dean." I say, seeing him frown at the papers. "I'm good." He answers evasively. "No, you're not. You're running on fumes, and you can't run forever." Sam says. "And what am I running from?" Dean asks, making me frown.

"From what you told us. Or are we pretending that never happened?" I ask with a frown. "Stratton, Nebraska. Farm town. A man gets hacked to death in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry." Dean says, ignoring me. "Sounds like a ghost." Sam says. "'yes it does." Dean says, making me groan and lie down on the backseat.


"Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes." Dean says, making me roll my eyes. We enter the kitchen, opening cabinets. I spot something on an empty piece of wall. "Hey, check this out." I say. Dean knocks on the wall. It's hollow. "Huh." I say.

"It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them." Sam says. "Know-it-all." Dean says frowning. "What?" I ask. "What?" Dean asks. "You said..." Sam says offended. "What?" Dean asks again, making me roll my eyes again. "Never mind." Sam says sighing.

We then enter a bedroom. "Well, no bloodstains, fresh coat of paint, it's a bunch of bubkes." Dean says. "Needle's all over the place." Sam says, eyeing the EMF meter. "Yeah—power lines." I say. "Great." Sam says huffing. We look in the closet and see a doll head is lying on the floor.

"Uh..." Sam says, eyeing the doll. "Well, that's super-disturbing." Dean says frowning. "Think it got left behind?" I ask. "By who? Unless Bill Gibson likes to play with doll heads." Dean says.

A car and moving truck approach. "Uh-oh." I say, walking over to the window. "I thought you said this place was still for sale." Dean asks Sam. "Apparently, it's not." Sam answers nervously.


(Third POV)

A dog and a boy, Danny, exit the car. "Come on, Buster! Good dog!" Danny says. They run off. A man, Brain, a Woman, Susan, and a girl, Kate, have also gotten out. "What do you think? It's nice, right?" Susan asks Kate. "Did anyone bother to check if we get a signal out here?" Kate asks annoyed.

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