4.04 Metamorphosis - part 3

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(Your POV)

"We're people who can help. Please, just hear us out." Sam says, before explaining what we know to Jack. After hearing us out, he frowns in disbelief. "A-a what?" he asks confused. "A Rougarou." I say, repeating the word for him.

"Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not." Dean then says with a smile. "Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something." Jacks says nervously. "Your father was one of these things." Sam says. Jack turns around to Sam at that.

"Your real father. He passed it on to you." Sam says, but Jack interjects. "No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're-" Jack says, not able to find the words. "Skip the whole "you guys sound crazy", shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier." I say, still a little annoyed from earlier, so it is coming out ruder than I had wanted it to.

"Hungrier for?" Jack asks. "Long pig. You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already." Dean says jokingly. "No." Jacks says, shaking his head at us. "It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off." Sam says, making me nod. "No." Jack says again.

"Others have." I say again. "We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or-" Dean says, stopping when I give him a look. "Or what?" Jack asks confused.

"You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you." Sam says. "Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him?" Jack asks, looking at us with fear. "Yes." Sam says. "Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops." Jack says, making me sigh. "Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam tries again.

"Now!" Jack yells. Jack's neighbor, who's cutting a bush, looks over at us when Jack raises his voice. Sam sighs and motions for us to leave. "Good talk." Dean says sighing.


Sam, Dean and I kick down the door of the apartment we see Jack climbing to and hurry through it, flamethrowers at the ready. We meet the woman, who's just coming out of her bedroom and we scare the living hell out of her with that entrance. She screams and backs into her bedroom.

"Wait!" Dean yells. She slams her door. Dean, Sam and I are still standing by the front door, looking a bit confused. "Whoa, uh, we're here to save you, I guess." Dean says awkwardly. I look around, and hear the woman locking her bedroom door.

"I'm calling the police!" the woman screams at us. "We should go." I tell them, making Sam nod. "Yeah." Dean then says. We hurry out, Dean turns around and closes the door with a little embarrassed laugh. The frame of the door, where the lock is, is completely broken.


(Third POV)

Jack is handcuffed to a pillar, and out cold. He finally wakes up and discovers he's bound. He rattles the handcuffs a few times, trying to get loose. He looks up and sees Michelle, still bound and gagged, sitting next to him.

"Michelle?" Jack asks. Travis walks up in front of her and stands in front of Jack. "Okay. We're gonna stay calm. We're gonna give this man whatever he wants." Jack says. Travis looks down with those words, knowing what it is he's come for, and he's sad because of it.

"Anything. Just take it and go, please." Jack says. "I'm sorry about this, Jack." Travis says. He walks over to Michelle, who looks very scared. "I truly am." Travis says again. He begins to untie her gag. "It's not the way that I wanted it to go." Travis says.

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