4.03 In the Beginning - part 3

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(Third POV)

Liddy Walsh is sitting on the sofa with Dr. Brown. "I'm sorry, Liddy, it's metastasized." Dr. Brown says, looking at her with a fake sad smile. "Where?" Liddy asks. "His liver, his lungs. It's time we talked about arrangements." Dr. Brown says, making Liddy gasp in surprise. She shakes her head frantically, pleading for help.

"No, you have to do something, Dr. Brown." Liddy pleads. "There is one way, a cure actually, but I'll need your help." Dr. Brown says, a smile growing on his face. "What do I have to do?" she asks, a frown forming on her face. "Nothing. Just in ten years, I'm going to come to you and ask for something then." Dr. Brown explains with a smirk.

"What?" Liddy asks confused. "Nothing you'll miss." He says, making her frown even harder. Dr. Brown's eyes suddenly turn yellow, making Liddy look at him in shock. The door then bursts open and Samuel enters. He shoots the demon in the chest, making Liddy scream in horror. The demon's eyes open and Samuel cocks the shotgun again. The demon waves his hand and Samuel's shotgun flies across the room.

"Oh –" Liddy says in shock. The demon waves his other hand, making Samuel fly backwards and get pinned to the wall behind him. "Oh, God." Liddy exclaims again. "Hold that thought." The demon says, smirking at her. The demon then stands up and approaches Samuel.

"You son of a bitch." Samuel says, groaning as he tries to move. The demon leans in to Samuel, but turns around abruptly. Mary is standing behind him with a raised knife, which makes the demon grab her by the throat. "Hello there." The demon says. Mary slices him with the knife, making him let go of her.

"Where the hell have they been hiding you?" The demon asks with a smirk. Mary keeps attacking and the demon keeps avoiding her blows. The demon then grabs her arm, and she drops the knife, which makes her quickly punch him in the face. The demon laughs at this. "I like you. You got a lot of spunk." He says.

Mary kicks the demon and he grabs her leg, then slams her against a wall. "Mary!" Samuel yells in shock. Suddenly Dean and Y/n bursts in, Dean with the Colt drawn. The demon pulls Mary in front of him as a shield. "Let her go!" Y/n yells in anger, making the demon smile at her. He then looks over to Dean, seeing the gun in his hands. His smile drops and a look of fear takes over his features.

"Where'd you get that gun?" the demon asks Dean with worry. Dean cocks the Colt and nods to Mary, who breaks away from the demon. Before Dean can do anything, black smoke pours from the demon's mouth and goes out a vent in the wall. "Damn..." Y/n says, looking at the now empty vessel on the ground.


(Your POV)

"Mary, what else did he say to you?" Dean asks, making me look at Mary with worry. "I told you, just that he liked me." She says frowning. She then looks me in my eyes, fear evident in her own. "What did he mean by that?" she asks, making me frown.

Samuel then joins us on the lawn, sighing when he looks back at the house behind us. "Liddy's a strong kid, she'll be fine." Samuel says, looking over at his daughter. "Are you okay?" he then asks her, making her shake her head.

"No, Dad, I'm pretty far from okay. Can we go?" she asks, seeing her dad nod at her. She gives Dean and I another look, before turning and walking to the truck. Samuel then looks over at Dean and I, a small smile on his face.

"Nice job in there." He says, making Dean frown. "I missed the shot." Dean says, making me nod sadly. "Take the compliment, son. I'm saying that I was wrong about you two." He says, looking over to me and nodding. "We 3 need to talk alone." Dean then suddenly says, looking at Samuel and then back at me.

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